Mobility Scooter Accessories

Whether you own a scooter and are looking for accessories or just looking into a new mobility scooter.  The available upgrades and accessories are available to whatever needs you may wish to accommodate. If you tend to use your scooter for a more prolonged period of time you may consider purchasing a larger battery. If your scooter is used in a congested area you may wish to ad mirrors to help navigate. If you drive your scooter across town to play cards or just visit you may like a convenient cane holder or oxygen tank rack. It may be that you are looking to get out of the blistering sun while you trek down to the local market. Whatever you wish the accessories are either available or soon to be.

The mobility scooter market is growing for many reasons. With this growth come companies that are producing all the various extras you can think of. The “After Market” category!

Let’s say hypothetically that you have a scooter but wished that it was a bit smother on your bumpy street. It is possible to upgrade to a pneumatic tire. A pneumatic tire is a tire that is filled with air just like your automobile. This air filled tire will take the bumps and jolts much easier and smoothly than a solid rubber tire will. Maybe you enjoy a Saturday trip to the local mall. Adding a unique basket or shopping bag will enhance your experience and let you navigate without worrying about cumbersome packages.

Ramps and lifts are also considered an accessory to your mobility scooter. Ramps are useful to get onto porches or into the back of a vehicle. Smaller ramps can be used to hurdle small elevations inside a home. Most mobility ramps are made of aluminum and are lightweight, compactable and have an easy to use handle mounted on the side for carrying. Lifts come in multiple purpose functionality. Whether you want to ride your scooter onto a secure perch to haul behind your automobile or need to lift and swing your power wheelchair into the back of an SUV or pick up truck. Ramps and Lifts become needed accessories.

Many companies produce accessories for your mobility needs. I won’t go into the specific companies but the big players in the business all have additional products to enhance your user experience. Personally I like to stick with major retailers such as Amazon and eBay because I know if there is an issue in the sales process I have a solid company with excellent procedures in place to make my shopping experience satisfying.

Good Luck!