Does Your Son or Daughter Display Symptoms and Signs of Autism?

There are three general groups of development in which symptoms and signs of autism might be observed.  They are social interaction, language and behavior.

Social interaction:  A child frequently will not reply when his or her name is called or when he or she is directly spoken to.  The child may seem to not hear the person who is speaking to him or her.   One of the " target="_self" symptoms and signs of autism involves being very sensitive to things against the skin.  Therefore, a child displaying symptoms will usually combat people holding or snuggling with him or her.

Poor eye contact is another prevalent symptom that is demonstrated.  Often, children who are demonstrating symptoms and signs of Autism will appear to be completely in their own world.  They will not acknowledge or even be aware of other people in their area. They also will have no sense of empathy.

Language:  One of the telling symptoms and signs of Autism is when a child starts talking later than other children.  An autistic child may lose the capacity to say words or sentences that he or she used to be able to say.  Another symptom is for a child to ask for something, but not look at the person who is being spoken to.

Children with autistic tendancies use a singsong voice at times.  Other times they may be very monotone, like a robot.  One of the hallmark symptoms and signs of Autism is a complete lack of conversational skills.  Children who have autism use a great deal of repetitive language, but they usually do not understand how to use the repeated words or phrases or know what they mean. " target="_self" Learn More about mild symptoms of Autism.

Behavior:  One of the telling signs and symptoms of autism is what is known as "flapping," which refers to the way autistic children wave their hands back and forth quickly in front of their faces.  Autistic children perform a lot of repetitive movements.  They will develop very specific routines.  When these routines are changed or disturbed, autistic children typically become upset or angry.

Constantly moving or rocking back and forth is common for autistic children.  They may be fascinated with moving parts or certain objects.  Many children who are exhibiting symptoms and signs of autism are impervious to pain.  Conversely, they are unusually sensitive to light, sounds, and touch.

If you think your child is demonstrating any symptoms and signs of Autism, get them to a doctor to be tested and diagnosed as soon as possible so that you can " target="_self" begin training and treatment for your child.