Adult Dyslexia Diagnosis by Dyslexia Screening Test

Living with dyslexia as an adult can be a very harrowing experience. If you think you have dyslexia then you should consider taking an online dyslexia screening test to get yourself diagnosed. By doing this you will be taking the first step towards conquering your dyslexia.

Most online dyslexia screening test are very user friendly and also cost effective compared to other forms of testing and diagnosis. Since these tests are made by qualified and experienced professionals the results obtained are very reliable.

There are many symptoms that can indicate whether you have dyslexia or not. The following are the most common ones witnessed:

a. A family history of learning disabilities. Most dyslexics have at least 1 parent who also has dyslexia or other learning disability. b. Confusion telling bottom from top, left from right. c. Will simply hate file work. d. Cannot follow simple 2-3 step instructions. e. Forgetfulness and poor short term memory. f. Inability to complete work on time. g. Reading or speech is very laborious. h. Inability to work in a team based setting. i. Is distracted easily, and seems to "zone-out" of reality. j. Is not living up to his or her potential. k. Is passed on for promotion on more than many occasions.

If you have seen the symptoms mentioned above in yourself then you should get yourself diagnosed for dyslexia by taking an online dyslexia screening test. After taking the test you should approach a qualified psychologist who can help you develop coping strategies with which you can alleviate the symptoms of dyslexia and lead a better and more fulfilled life.