How To Stop Hair Loss Before It Turns Into BaldnessThe idea that you can stop hair loss has been largely discounted by many, and for some this is indeed the case, but for others it is a very real possibility. But to stop hair loss is sometimes not enough especially if you already have a substantial amount of balding or thinning to repair. In this article we will cover the real reason why you must stop hair loss now and reveal a few hair re-growth solutions that have proven to be quite effective for me in my personal battle against balding. I started losing my hair when I was in my early 40s. It was a gradual process where just a few hairs seemed to be lost every day until eventually when I looked in the mirror there was a bald spot on the crown, thinning hair on top, and a ever receding hairline. It became increasingly clear that either something had to be done or I would join the ranks of millions of men who have the luxury of never having to pay for a haircut again. But for me, and maybe for you, being bald was a benefit of the aging process that I would just as soon put off for a while. So the next step was to start to do research, not only to find out how to stop hair loss but conditions that are commonly linked to balding. It didn't take me long to realize that what was going on with my hair was male pattern baldness, and I had a lot of company, since ninety percent of all men's loss of hair and about 30 percent of all women's is attributed to this condition. Male pattern baldness attacks the follicles at their very core. Follicles are the small sac like pouches that are not only responsible for hair growth but responsible for the hair replacement process that is continually occurring on a healthy head of hair. In MPB the androgen hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binds to receptors deep within the follicle. Over a couple of hair cycles DHT accumulation starts to cripple hair growth by shrinking and damaging follicles to a point where they eventually die, making hair replacement impossible. This is likely what is happening to you. Now the next step is to halt and reverse this process. As long as circulation to the scalp is good, hair follicles are open, and a reasonable amount of nutrients (specifically biotin, B6, B12, vitamin A, zinc, copper, and possibly magnesium) reach the scalp a person will be able to maintain a reasonably full head of hair. The approach I used to stop hair loss was a mix between natural herbal ingredients, including saw palmetto, nettle root, and ginkgo; topical minoxidil applied twice a day; and a multivitamin supplement . It took about 4 weeks for me to start seeing results with my wife commenting on how good my hair was looking. But what was really interesting about the whole process is that tiny bits of dead scalp started to flake off and in their place tiny new hair growth was emerging. It is almost as if my body was sealing the dead follicles in making it impossible for new growth to occur. There are currently a handful of hair re-growth products (specially formulated for both men and women) which have been proven to stop hair loss and bring dead and dying hair follicles back to life. These specially formulated treatments can be used both as a preventative tool, starting before hair loss becomes severe, or after loss of hair has become noticeable. Whatever the level of balding or thinning you are experiencing these products could be just what is needed to overcome this latest life challenge. |