Am I Balding - How Can I Stop It?

Like the old saying goes, hair today, gone tomorrow. For those of you in your forties or fifties who don't have much hair now, know the exact meaning of that. I'm not here to pinch you, but to help you out in finding what are the causes of balding and how can you stop it.

So, you ask yourself am I balding? You want to know the answers. I feel the main reason why we all lose hair is because we don't take proper care of it. When you start loosing hair, you ought to take the necessary steps quickly, than to do it later.

In this article you will find out why am I balding, its types and treatments which you can try to stop it.

Baldness is the loss of hair from parts of the head or even the whole head. It can occur in both men and women at any stage in their lives. You can get baldness in your teenage or even mid thirties. Let's have a look at the types of baldness which are as follows:

Male pattern:This type of baldness occurs in males. It is of hereditary and it is the most common reason for baldness. It descends from family to family and occurs by the loss of hair from all parts of the head.

Female pattern:It occurs in females during their pregnancy as the imbalance in hormones causes the lessening of hairs.

Frontal Balding:This is a very common type of male baldness which occurs usually during adolescence and starts from the front. It must be treated as it could spread further and make you completely bald.

There are many reasons why you can grow bald which include age, imbalance in hormone level, hereditary, diseases, stress, and poor diet. As you go on getting older, there is lot of chances of getting bald. Hormonal disorder causes hair loss as there is an increase in testosterone, which causes the hair follicle to become thinner and hair fall.

You also lose hair because of stress due to tension of various issues. Stress causes the hair follicles to enter a stage of rest, as it doesn't allow the new hair formed beneath it to grow. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 also is a reason for loosing hair. So, make sure you eat food rich in vitamins like egg, milk, fish oil, soy, chocolates, meat, etc.

Now, let's see some remedies which can prevent hair fall. There are many claims made by people like hair transplants, weaving, etc. You can have them as a last resort as they are expensive and not safe. Instead you can try oiling your hair regularly and using mild shampoos.