What Are Some Causes of Balding in Women

Women are obsessed with the way they look. Everyone wants to look their best. This is hard for women to do when they are struggling with baldness. And you can not figure out to deal with or treat your baldness if you do not know the causes of balding in women. Understanding these causes will give you need to correct the problem.

Weirdly enough fashion can be one of the causes of balding in women. This can happen when women wear hair styles that are tight and pull on the hair causing hair loss. This type of hair loss is called traction alopecia. Some of the signs of this condition, besides hair loss, include redness and bumps forming along your hair line, having a sore scalp and hair extensions coming if before they should. The good news about this form of balding is that it can be treated. Usually it is as simple as losing the tight hair style and letting your scalp relax. Scalp massage and deep conditioning have also been shown to aid in this

Hormones are also one of the many causes of balding in women. This can happen at different stages in a women's life and for different reasons. A lot of women experience balding after having a baby. This is because their hormones are trying to balance out after having a baby. However, most women get quite concerned about this because during pregnancy they had thicker, more lustrous hair. The good news is that for most women this will go away within a few months as their hormones level out. Another stage in a woman's life where she may experience hormonal changes causing balding is menopause. This can interfere with a women's Follicle Stimulating Hormone or FSH. That means that it can cause her hair to fall out or when it falls out during the normal growth cycle it will not allow new hair to grow in its place. This is also very treatable and your doctor can advise you on the best method of treatment for this.

Another contributor is poor nutrition. With the fashion world and society in general putting such emphasis on women having no fat on their body, women are going to major extremes to lose weight. They go on crazy diets. Some become anorexic or bulimic. These can all be causes of balding in women. When your body does not get the proper nutrition it needs, it will focus on the most important functions. And even though you may think of your hair as an essential, your body will focus on trying to keep your body running instead.

There are many other things that can cause baldness in women. They can range from genetics, age, stress and even medications. No woman wants to lose her hair, even in small amounts. It is part of what makes a woman feel beautiful. If your hair loss is an issue, you should consult your doctor to find out why it is falling out and what can be done to correct it.