Chemical Breakage Causing Hair Loss, What Causes It?

There are many things that can trigger hair loss. One common problem is chemical breakage causing hair loss in cosmetics. Women are the most vulnerable when it comes to hair loss through cosmetics. Hair loss through cosmetics is usually the result of improper use of hair treatment chemicals.

In cosmetics there are some hair treatment chemicals such as relaxers. Relaxers function in such a way that they break the structural bonds of curly hair thus making it much straighter. Relaxing chemicals are to be mixed in the right proportions and the amount of time the hair is to be exposed to the relaxer should never be exceeded. If a relaxer is too concentrated there are risks that the scalp will be burnt and the hair splits and breaks. Hair relaxer chemicals can irritate the skin on the scalp causing the hair follicles to shed hair. This results in hair thinning and development of hair patches. Hair relaxers have to be applied by professional hair dressers to avoid damage to hair. After treatment of hair with a relaxer it is advisable to use a shampoo that neutralizes the hair to ensure the relaxer chemical is completely removed from the hair.

Another common problem of chemical breakage causing hair loss is the dying of hair. Some dyes affect the properties of hair making it become more brittle. As a result of this, hair becomes more prone to breakage during combing.

There are also other chemicals that can cause hair breakage, which are outside cosmetics. Good examples of such chemicals are the chemicals such as chlorine in swimming pool water. The mixture of chlorine and salty water from the pool remove sebum from hair. The result is that after a swim hair becomes dry and brittle. If we do not shampoo our hair after a swim we are at risk of increasing the chances of our hair breaking.

There are other chemical products such as styling gels and oils that people apply on the hair to soften it. Some of these chemicals in the presence of ultraviolet radiation breakdown to form substances that can either irritate the skin or disrupt the structure of hair. When the skin is irritated by these chemicals hair follicles will be disrupted causing reduced hair growth and increased breakage.

To sum up the whole issue about hair loss caused by chemical breakage, it wise to let only professional hair dressers handle your hair. If you so happen to encounter any hair loss problems due to chemicals, it is possible to solve them with some hair drugs and treatments that are available on the market. Never experiment with your hair, for hair is very sensitive and any stress applied to it will cause it to stop growing. It is advised that all chemical treatments on hair be done after making sure the hair is thoroughly cleaned and washed. This is very important as it helps remove things like dandruff which can mix with hair chemicals and irritate the scalp, therefore affecting hair growth.