The Best Way To Treat Dry Flaky Scalp

So you have really flaky scalp and your scalp tends to get dry and itchy  a day after you have washed it, your hairdresser tells you that you should drink more water but that does not seem to help your dry flaky scalp , so you are wondering what  is the best way to treat dry flaky scalp

You will find that a flakey scalp comes about when you use lots of chemical based products, the more hair product you use the flakier and dry the scalp

This is so because these products contain chemicals that dry out the scalp and allow the scalp to itch and get diseased

So the solution is to stop using hair product for at least two weeks, allow the scalp to produce its natural oils

If you are flaking really badly you must simply allow your scalp and hair follicles to breathe

Next and most important is to get a product called Mira hair oil, it will stop thescalp itchingand reverse the flaking scalp and do it all naturally

, it has no toxins or chemicals and will quickly give you the results you seek

Mira hair oil will also stimulate hair growth and get rid of limp dull hair

Simply apply the oil onto the scalp and leave in for 30 minutes and then wash out, within a week your flaky scalp problems will stop

Understand that an itchy scalp is probably a sign that your hair is breaking through the scalp and growing. Unhealthy

To stop a dry flaky scalp be sure to

Stop using harsh chemical and heat products on your hair like stop using Color, Blow-dry and shampoos.

Consume foods that have essential fatty acids like salmon, olives, flaxseeds and walnuts , these will boost healthy oil production to scalp. And stop an itchy flaky scalp

Again use Mira hair oil and give yourself a scalp treatment, it will hydrate, nourish your flay scalp

Use an all natural shampoo that has no drying agents and get a good one that will moisturize your scalp. Avoid products with silicone and look for natural shampoos with natural hair growth herbs like Mira hair shampoo oils

Try Mira hair oil below for free by using the link in the author’s box