The Unspoken Effects And Hidden Scars Resulting From Female Hair Loss

Approximately 25 million women in the United States are suffering from female hair loss, and unfortunately, they are suffering in silence. Society quietly accepts male hair loss as a natural part of life, but by some unspoken rule, the idea of a woman with thinning hair is strictly taboo. It isn't just the idea that the hair is falling out that causes the most damage; it is the emotional scarring and pain that these women suffer even after a hair loss treatment has been found.

Alienation From Society And Helplessness

An estimated 13% of these cases occur in women between the ages of 40 and 60 and the number rises significantly as women reach menopause and beyond. Until the last decade, researchers and other medical professionals virtually ignored female hair loss. The experts saw it as insignificant, and some even denied that the problem existed.

With no new treatments on the market at the time, women resorted to poorly made wigs, hid behind a hairstyle to cover up the problem, or simply lived with it. Unfortunately, a lot of women still believe this is true today and fail to consider that hair loss treatment is an option.

The Degradation Of Self-Esteem And Body Image

Even the most successful and confident woman can falter with the onset of female hair loss. In a society where looks play such an important role in daily life, even the slightest hair loss can permanently change the way someone sees themselves and how they present themselves to the world. Sufferers often feel less worthy of success and less capable of being loved. Even their self-respect diminishes, leaving them feeling depressed and alone.

A successful hair loss treatment can cure the problems with their hair, but many women never completely heal emotionally. The same effects are often seen with male hair loss, however the effects are commonly less severe because it is seen as more socially acceptable.

Anxiety And Relationship Issues

One of the most common effects women notice with thinning hair is the anxiety that comes with the affliction. When women discover their hair is falling out faster than normal, they often get the feeling that everyone is staring at them. Many of them also experience the same feeling after receiving treatment; they are constantly wondering if anyone can tell.

For some, this feeling diminishes after they discover how good a successful treatment looks, but others continue to carry on that feeling. Worst of all, these feelings combined with the depression and self-esteem issues begin to affect relationships with their partners, friends, family, and even co-workers.

For women suffering from female hair loss, the condition is significantly more than missing hair. Male hair loss has always seemed more acceptable whereas women feel ignored and alone in their battle. A successful hair loss treatment can replace their hair, but the devastating emotional effects take time to ease and never truly go away.