Searching For a Natural Acne Cure?

Acne is a skin condition (not a very pleasant one) that causes trouble to most adolescents in some way or other. It can happen to both male and female. Fortunately, it's not permanent and it can be cured with a natural acne cure, even if most patient are using medications and lotions, the natural cures have proved to be a lot more effective.

A best natural way to get rid of acne fast is looking at your daily self-care routines. Wash your hands and face at least two times per day: when you wake up and right before going to sleep. Use a medicated acne soap or a gentle cleansing solution. Your goal here is to clean the excessive sebum that leads to apparition of pimples and zits. If your work in a dirty environment avoid at all costs touching your face with your dirty hands. Bacteria and dust particles will travel from your hands to your face, infecting and clogging the pores and guess where this leads to: acne!

Another hint would be avoiding scratching and squeezing pimples. For each zit that you squash 5 more will appear. Avoid squeezing your pimples or your battle against acne will be a never ending one. A great natural acne cure consists in applying a mixed egg yolk on and around the pimples. Leave it for 15 minutes then wash it off with warm water and face wash.

Try changing your eating habits and include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, as the antioxidants contained in these help in healing your acne faster. Also, the citric acids from lemons and oranges can do wonders to your skin.

Water is excellent in curing acne because it cleanses your body of toxins and hydrates your skin. 7-8 glasses of water per day should do the trick. Say "No!" to the following types of food: fatty, junk, processed, oily. These 4 are the enemies of a clean face and you should avoid them at any cost.

Using these natural acne cures should help you get rid of acne in a matter of a few days or weeks, depending on how devoted you are to each individual treatment.

You can always use a natural acne cure to clear you skin.

Natural treatments have been proven to be a lot more effective to cure acne . Besides, they are relatively cheap and readily available and the risk of side effects are very minimal.To get a complete list of guides on how to cure acne then go visit our website now ==>