Hair Regrowth Q&A

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How do i stop blonde regrowth looking unusual on brown mane?
I have naturally blonde fleece but died it brown, i am starting to get regrowth which of course looks out of the ordinary because of the colour contrast. I don't want to die it again, how can i stop it looking bad? you...

How do I take home regrowth (after the fleece have be chemically straightened) not look unexpected?
My hair has really tight curls and each time i let the fuzz regrow, it looks weird because I have curly regrowth and straight ends. I be just wondering if there be a way to make it look nice....

How do u prevent regrowth of spine ?
so you dont want your tresses to grow well thats what hair do you kepp adjectives it or if you talking about down at hand wax it LASER certainly there are some mane inhibitors for face...i heard abt cream call vaniqa..avalible in medical stores.i guess...

How do u stop itching from pelt regrowth on a male's chest?
i've recently had approachable heart surgery where they had to shave my chest ! try to rub the nouns when you wash- don't let skin form over the newly-growing hairs. rubbing briskly will sustain exfoliate that skin. Try hydrocortisone ointment. It's over-the-counter....

How do you start spike regrowth?
So my sister had random spots on her leader lose all the hair. So she have like 3 random lacking hair spots, and her hair barely grows within general. She smokes, and is overweight but attempting to get robust. IS there any way to gain hair back within the...

How does Chemo affect fuzz regrowth?
What can I do to start my hair growing after Chemotheraphy Treatments? chemotherapy isnt that selective kill fast growing cells--such as most cancer cells...quill follicules produce hair cells completely quickly and they divide they are also artificial by the chemo..this is also why several people on chemo...

How efficient is mane regrowth after an all-over dye?
Tomorrow I'm going to have my very gloomy blonde curly hair bleached to a very feathery platinum blonde. I was wondering, how fast will re-growth be? As contained by what lengh in hat time frame? Also, how normally will I need to get...

How important is the use of canthradine grease within tresses regrowth?
Hello. I don`t know how effective is canthradine for hair re-growth. When I have hair loss some monts, I use Profinast from and my hair is OK immediately. I suggest you to try it. It`s 100% natural and...

How is dr.batras spike regrowth treatment?
He has kept such a elevated charge for the treatment that even if u don't have any hair, It would grow and stand out of shock. they r the worst, they dont trust those in the sake of money, they will give u treatment not seeing ur...

How long does chemically straightened coat second for?and is it the regrowth or is it the chemical wash out?
it depends on the product used to straighten. and it usually has to do next to both as to the result of the "wear effect". But if your looking to keep straightened hair...

How long for down regrowth to appear? Anorexia taking back.?
I've been struggling with anorexia for several years. After a couple of events, it truly became a problem. My parents and friends noticed and be begging for me to start eating more. I really didn't see a problem; until I started getting out of the...

How much time does hair lift for their regrowth?
i was having medicine 4 my hair fall control 4 more or less 1 year.they r now just stable but desires to regrow.n doctor said that 1 more year is required to he right? Well, I'm not give or take a few to dispute...

How much underarm curls regrowth should I hold after my second shave for a wax session?
I've got an under arm coat waxing session booked on 24th june and i haven't shaved my underarms for a week and a few days (im not sure how much hair desires to be there for it to be...

How to avoid side effects of spike loss treatments and own an forceful quill regrowth ?
I have tried minoxidil, finasteride, richfeel, dr batra's, ayurvedic but nothing help. Is there really something which helps to regrow. I am losing curls since 3 years and my scalp is seen.Anybody had any regrowth near any treatment? Any...

How to control tresses falling(of men)? As very well as enhance tresses growth. suggest possible home herbal remedies.?
hair loss is hair loss near is nothing you can do about it but dance broke trying to fight it lots of females find it sexy don't worry roughly it nope. The only...

How to do a scalp pat for tresses regrowth?
I've just gotten over my Trichotillomania and now I enjoy a line of empty scalp from the crown of my come first to mid head. It looks like a wide open part. I learned that scalp massage are good for hair stimulation and I would...

How to increase the body down growth for men?
do a asan(yoga-physical posture) named shirshasan for five minutes day after day starting from 30 seconds and increasing with skipper at bottom and body invert supposing u do not wear spacs(eyes should be 6/6),if u wear spacs,practice another posture :kneel down, then sit on legs...

How to regrowth coat for women?
hi im only 18 and like my mane falls out alot i need help on how to regrowth spine naturally. is there any curls product that i can get a drug store? i dont wanna get anything from online. or is near any vitamins that i can take? i...

How to regrowth spike on boss near seem some baldness on my lead ?
I have tried applying the pulp of methi seeds (fenugreek seeds) in mehendi. My quill has become thicker. Sometimes i even add amla, aritha, shikakai herb available only in India. Pure coconut grease or almond oil are also good. Only applying...

How to regrowth spike?
Use thickening cleansing agents. There are many shampoos and conditioners on the bazaar that are geared towards helping an individual thicken her hair. They can be bought at hair salon or some drug stores. Nioxin and Rogaine are among the most popular ones. The key to success beside these products is...