Some of the Many Hair Loss Pills Explained

The hair loss industry is booming these days. Everyone wants to be able to keep the full head of hair they had in their teen and twenties. And people are willing to pay big money in order to get their hands on these products. Some of the most popular products are hair loss pills. There are many available for treating the many different types of hair loss.

Propecia is one of the biggest names in hair loss pills. It goes by many other names such as finasteride and Proscar are the most common. It was originally marketed under Proscar and sold as a drug for BPH, which is enlarged prostate. But then they noticed that it was helping block the DHT causing male pattern baldness, so it became marketed under Propecia for hair loss. The down side to this medication is that it is only intended for use my men. It can cause serious birth defects and can transfer through the skin, which is why women, especially ones that may be pregnant, should not handle it. There are other things men have to consider before taking this medication as well, such as prostate cancer or liver disease. Avodart is another hair loss pill available. It is similar to Propecia. It is even prescribed to treat BPH as well. The difference is that there are two types of DHT that attack the hair. Propecia blocks type II, where Avodart blocks both.

Hormone replacement pills containing estrogen and progesterone can be prescribed to a woman going through menopause to help with menopause. This can help to level out her hormones causing her to get her hair back. It has even been shown to help in treating androgenic alopecia, or female pattern hair loss, by helping to minimize the amount of male hormones in the woman's body. Another hair loss pill for women is Diane 35 and Diane 50. Even though these drugs are only available in Europe, they have shown great effectiveness in not only helping stop hair loss but also helping new hair to grow. It even helps prevent osteoporosis, which is another big problem for many women. The only problem with this drug and many of these other pills and treatments is that they only work as long as you take them. If you go of the treatment, you will lose your hair again. This can be a big down side that may deter some people from taking these medications.

Even though there are many different hair loss pills that are available to the public for the treatment of balding, there are many other treatments available as well. There are products such as creams and lotions for your scalp, laser comb, laser therapy and even surgical treatments. Before making any sort of decision on the treatment you will use for your hair loss you should always consult your doctor. A lot of the different treatments are prescribed, therefore you have to get your doctor's approval in order to get the treatment anyway.