Home Treatment for Acne - Have You Tried These Natural Acne Solutions?

Expensive treatments are effective for some people in treating acne whilst for others they just don't have the desired results.  Regardless of price, many people aren't comfortable with using over the counter products because of the chemicals included.

For people like this, their first port of call is to try natural herbal home treatments for acne mixed from herbs and other plants.

One commonly used herbal home treatment for acne is aloe vera.  It is a popular plant with skin caring properties and a good choice for those seeking a natural solution to acne.  You can also use it to cure dandruff and maintain healthy hair as it has been proven to help those areas too.  The main reason it is used as a herbal home treatment for acne is due to its rejuvenating, healing and soothing properties.

Many products contain aloe vera but they also contain man made chemicals too so to avoid this many people use the sap directly from the plant or an aloe vera gel.  It is applied to the affected area and is reported to reduce inflammation of the spots.

Another popular home treatment for acne is nettles.  Nettle has been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. Nettle tea can stimulate circulation of the blood and can be used to calm skin irritations like acne and eczema.

You can either make your own nettle tea or buy nettle tea bags.  To make nettle tea, soak 4-6 teaspoons of dried nettle leaves or root in about 6 ounces of water.  It is recommended to drink 3 to 4 cups of nettle tea a day for maximum benefits and acne free clear skin.