Does Laser Hair Growth Therapy Work?

If you have thinning hair, then you may be considering some alternatives to treat this problem.  One alternative that is currently available for those that want a permanent solution to treat their hair loss, is laser hair growth therapy.  Though this particular treatment is known as one of the most innovative concepts around, it is sometimes met with cynicism towards the effectiveness of the treatment itself.

Many doubt the effectiveness of treating hairloss this way and question its effectiveness in the long term.  Because this therapy is relatively new, some feel that there is not enough evidence required to show that the laser technology is able to treat hair loss.  There are others who state that alternative treatments have to be used with the laser to become effective, such as Minoxidil.

However there is significant proof from individuals and from various clinical trials that continuous treatment works…  It appears that with unhealthy hair follicles that are yet to die lasers can stimulate the hair and grow back many of the thinning hairs thicker.

The concept of LLLT or Low Laser Light Therapy has begun to show up in the hair loss market, with clinics offering expensive treatments with quite large devices and there’s also various laser combs or brushes available. Both options are designed to stimulate hair growth without cellular damage.

There is a specific ideal wavelength for laser light that provides you with the best chance for hair stimulation, these wavelengths are 650 nanometers and 5 milli-watts.  The vast majority of laser combs and brushes are set at this wavelength.

Using Laser hair growth therapy over a six month period is likely to remove any doubts you may have  regarding how effective this treatment can be.  Hundreds of thousands of people around the world are now using this relatively new technology to help them with their hair loss.  The vast majority with great success, easing any of their previous skepticism.

The choice many are making when buying a laser product is the Lasergain.  With 21 high end lasers it provides fuller coverage than the laser combs currently available on the market at a fraction of the cost.

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