Dht Blocker and Dht Shampoo

ADHT BlockerandDHT Shampooare formulated to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT – the leading contributor of hair loss and male pattern balding.

Topical blocking products such as concentrated serums and gels, as well as follicle stimulators and shampoos contain botanical extracts that target DHT in the follicles and hair glands. They are effective at not only stopping hair loss when used as directed, they help restore natural hair growth.

Male hormones, Androgenic hormones, are of three primary types: Testosterone, Androsteinedione, and Dihydrotestosterone or DHT.  Androgen is found or produced in the male testes and in the adrenal glands.

Exposure of follicles to DHT leads to androgenic alopecia or what is calledmale pattern baldness.  In fact, DHT is the leading cause of male balding and is known to contribute to scalp acne, as well.

The hair follicle is exposed to DHT – which is up to three times stronger than testosterone - when 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme found in the sebaceous gland (follicle pore) converts testosterone to DHT. DHT restricts capillaryblood flowdepleting it of vital nutrients and minerals – essentially cutting off its life supply.

The sebaceous layer is the third of three dermal layers found in the skin and scalp.  DHT forms in the sebaceous gland and works its way into the root and bulb. Follicles therefore become direct victims of exposure to DHT.  To lessen the conversion of testosterone to DHT, one needs to limit the activity of 5-alpha-reluctase enzyme with hair DHT shampoo and a DHT blocker .

Blockers and shampoos rely heavily on active ingredients such as Trichogen® to combat DHT.  Trichogen® stimulates blood flow. Blocking the enzyme is important but it is also important to add vitamins and amino acids with your diet or hair loss products .

Trichogen® has also been shown to improve the brushing parameters of the hair, due to its excellent conditioning properties. Your scalp condition will improve and become healthier. Sebaceous secretion of sebum (hair oil) will be regulated, and dandruff and itching will be decreased.  Trichogen® has also been shown to have a strong photo protective effect on the hair against UVB.

DHT Blockershave been introduced to lead the fight against temporary male and female hair loss and to stimulate natural, new hair growth.  Formulated with Trichogen® in volume up to 12%, a botanical extract complex proven in clinical studies to promote hair growth, a DHT Blocker is a topical application developed with active ingredients to promote and invigorate Anagen phase hair growth while blocking 5 Alpha Reductase enzymes that lead to DHT production and hair loss.

  • Block DHT & 5 Alpha Reductase enzymes

  • Provide essential amino acids for follicle development

  • Provides proteins for hair growth

  • Increase scalp stimulation, root depth, and follicle thickness

  • Improve microcirculation and capillary health

A DHT Blocker and DHT Shampoo help stop hair loss by effectively blocking DHT.  Additional active ingredients often help soothe scalp irritation and infuse moisture and hydration for additional follicle health.