Structure and Causes of Hair Fall

Whenever you meet someone the first thing you noticed are his/her hairs. Hair fall is experienced by all of us by one or other time in a life; it is a leading problem that is faced by most of the people at any stage of life. Many surveys conclude that number of herbs, botanical and nutrients stimulate hair follicles in people.

Structure of hair

Hair on our scalp can be divided in two parts and that are root and shaft. Root of hair is in the skin of head. It is surrounded by pouch like structure and that is called follicle. Base of hair is in the shape of a bulb. When the cell in the center of bulb divides then the new cells push the previous cells up and the cells, which move upwards, die slowly and forming hard hair shaft.

Causes of hair fall

There are several reasons associated with hair fall. Even some studies say that men are more prone to this condition as compared to women. The hair loss can be occurred due some problems.

Hair loss in men and women can be caused by number of reasons such that any illness, some diseases like lupus and diabetes can be reason of hair fall. Changes in hormones can be responsible for loss of hair, in men high concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles can cause hair fall and in women hormonal imbalance during pregnancy and after delivery can cause hair fall. If you have elevated stress level and some genetic problem, there is a chance of losing hair. Hair loss can be caused due to any deficiency in liver and kidney. It can cause lack of in sufficient flow of blood up to the scalp.

Some other reasons of having hair fall can be irregular sleeping pattern, anxiety, too much sweating. Too much exposure of sunlight, dust, water and other pollutants can be the reason of hair fall.