Hair Loss Review

Hair loss is a subject that can puzzle many people. Every since it became an issue, people have speculated over what the cause of it is. This is why there are so many tales about what causes it and what treats it. Scientists have been able to figure out the causes of hair loss and thus have been able to come up with many products to treat them. A hair loss review can tell you the important parts of what you need to know.

To properly understand the hair loss process, you first need to understand the normal hair growth process. Your hair goes through periods of rest and growth. The growth period can last for anywhere from two to six years. At the end of this phase, it enters the rest phase. It rests and does not grow for three to four months. After it as finished this phase it is then shed naturally. Once it is shed, a new hair grows in its place and the process begins again. About ninety percent of your hair is growing at any given time. That means that approximately ten percent of your hair is resting at any time. It is also normal for you to shed anywhere from fifty to one hundred hairs per day.

When there is an interruption in the normal hair growth process, hair loss occurs. This can happen for many different reasons. It can happen for medical reasons such as autoimmune disorders. It can be genetic, such as with androgenic alopecia, which is male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. It can be caused by stress, trauma and even depression. Major illness and surgery can make you lose your hair. Even hormonal imbalances can make you lose your hair. Medications, such as chemo drugs can make your hair fall out. Knowing what you are at risk for is the first step to preventing the hair loss problem.

Once you know what to be on the lookout for you are set for starting to prevent he problem. It is also a good idea to take a multivitamin designed for healthy hair. This will ensure that your hair has the proper nutrition it needs to continue the growth process. If you do start to notice hair loss though, you should see your doctor immediately. They can help you figure out what is causing the problem and even help you find the best method of treatment.

There are many different treatments available to treat every different type of hair loss. Some are more effective than others. The key to getting the best results though is to make sure you get treatment as soon as possible. Whether you choose to go with pills, creams, lotions, sprays, laser therapy or even surgical procedures, make sure that you are well informed. Your doctor can answer any questions you may have in regards to your hair loss and treatment. They can also give you advice on the best products to take. And if you decide to go with a prescription drug, they can prescribe this for you.