How to straighten wavy hair without hair straightener

Now, if you are wondering how to straighten wavy hair without hair straightener, stop worrying about hair straighteners and straightening irons. There are plethoras of ways of hair straightening and you’ll be surprised that using hair straighteners is not the only option. For example, just use an iron – No kidding! Use a household iron! Just make sure that you don't do this too often, just keep it blocked only for special occasions otherwise you run the risk of getting your hairs frazzled eventually! Make sure your hair is completely dry and as straight as you can get it from blow drying.
More hair straightening advice
1.    Using iron - There are people out there who use this regularly and still have hairs worth dying for! It wouldn’t frazzle your hair as straighteners are usually just as hot as or hotter than an iron. Put your hair into several sections and tie them with a band. Iron each section and make sure you press hard. If you are still afraid, put a handkerchief over your hair. Never put the iron on high; medium is best. Afterwards, flat iron it for best results and add olive oil to get that extra sheen.  Just concentrate on the other loose side of your hair. Take a small section and clip the rest of it back. Take a tea towel and cover your hand with it. Put this hand underneath your hair, by your face and take the iron, make sure its set on steam and place that on the outer side of your hair and run both hands down your hair to the ends. Once this section is straight, clip it up and get another section and repeat. Once one side of your head is done, tie that back into a pigtail and do the other side. Once you have finished, your hair will be incredibly straight and very smooth and shiny. This technique is especially good on people who have very thick hair as normal straightening irons just wont work on such thick hair. Make sure your hair is not wet, damp, or even slightly damp before ironing your hair or you will definitely ruin your hair. Doing hot oil treatment once a week is also advised.

2.    Dubie process - Well, you can do this wet or dry. You can wrap your hair around your scalp with or without bobby pins using a regular hair brush and when it’s all done and wrapped, you can wrap a scarf around your head and leave it on for a while. Best time is to do it before you go to sleep. It takes practice but after a while you will get the hang of it!

3.    Use a straightening shampoo and conditioner, then gel after shower, or instead of gel, use a blow dryer and blow-dry it straight, but remember to work from the top down when you blow dry it or it wont get straight! Use a wide tooth comb to detangle and stuff. Remember, if you don't use conditioner, then your hairs might get curvy but if you use the conditioner, then it’ll result in smooth hair. Regular conditioning will result in good and healthy hair without any curves. Alternatively, use smashed bananas as your hair conditioner when you wash your hair. While you are having wet hair, use a tea towel and start stretching your hair into a shape that is straight and let it like that for the whole hours.

4.    Invest in some ceramic straighteners which do not damage your hair as much but always use some type of product on your hair before straightening to protect it. Products containing silicon are very good for straightening hair. Straightening hair products such as herbal essence pin straight. You can also use the ceramic iron for your bangs and regular iron for the rest of your head.
All these methods are very effective and you’ll find your hair beautifully straight and tamed in no time. You’ll no longer need to be bothered about how to straighten wavy hair without hair straightener. The best hair oil for hair care is Mira hair oil, this oil is known to stop hair loss and promote the growth of healthy hair. Mira hair oil does it all.
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