Hair Loss Treatments (causes and Suggestions for Prevention According to Ayurveda Body Type)

Hair loss is considered as aging process. But in nowadays many youngsters face this problem of hair loss and are running for hair loss treatment everywhere. Then what could be the reason for this?
A) Causes
I) According to Ayurveda
1) Hair loss is related with internal body heat & bones.
2) Hair are considered as wastage of bones & hair gets nutrition from bone. If there is any change in bone nutrition it affects hair strength. Bones are hard & strong. But ‘heat’ causes decrease in bone’s strength which results in hair loss.

3) History of diseases like small pox, chicken pox, typhoid etc.
All these causes are related with increase in body heat; which means increase in Pitta & Vata dosha and results in decrease of bone strength & hair loss. thus hair loss is related to ,com_ayur/Itemid,49/" " Ayurveda body type .
II) Other factors--
1) We can also add dandruff & stress in this list. And all other things which are helpful for increasing body heat.

2) Hair loss also have relation with hormones like ‘Estrogen’ & ‘Progesterone’ & Thyroid secretary hormones. So, we have to check out for proper menstruation & hyper or hypo signs of thyroid secretary hormone.
3) Hair loss is also a hereditary disease.

B) Dominant dosha---
Pitta & Vata dosha are dominant doshas for hair loss.
C) Process of hair loss---
Improper diet or history of diseases causes increase in body heat----- Improper digestion----- that causes increase in Pitta & Vata dosha---- improper nutrition for all body organs---- mainly to bones---- bones are unable to provide nutrition to hair---- results in hair loss.
So we have to treat ‘increased body heat’ rather than only supplying strength to the hair.
There are several remedies for hair loss but here we are going to list some of them which you can try at your home and some hair loss treatments which you can buy.
1) Apply oil on the scalp, and not on the hair.
2) Wash your hair with warm water; at least once in a week. Do not keep your hair wet.
3) Take a glass of milk mix with ghee & turmeric powder before sunset.
4) Drink plenty of water in a day. But only one glass of water during meal.
5) Avoid extreme sun & wind exposure.
6) Do not eat hot things like egg, meat, chilly, ginger, pepper, etc.
7) Addictions like tobacco, alcohol, etc also causes increase in body heat. So avoid all these habits.
8) Try to remain calm during stress. Do not overreact in any situation.
9) If you have dry dandruff then avoid using shampoo.
10) Avoid taking medicine like steroids, heavy pain killers, hormone therapy.
11) Check your blood for hyper or hypo Thyroid signs.
12) Practice meditation & yoga to face stress.
Know more about ,com_facileforms/Itemid,70/" " Ayurveda and Acne .

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