Hair Regrowth With Melatonin

There are many possible causes a person may face when trying to find the cause of their hair loss problems. It can come from many sources. Most people associate age to hair loss and for good reason. However, most people do not understand why that is. The main reason is because of a hormone called melatonin in our bodies. Using hair regrowth with melatonin is much easier if you first understand why the cause of the problem is.

Melatonin is a hormone that can aid in many ways in the body. It is most noted for its effects on a person's sleep habits as well as the quality of dreams. When there is a good amount of melatonin, the person will have peaceful dreams. When the levels are low, they tend to have very vivid nightmares, depression, sleeping problems and can even cause cancer. In regards to hair loss, this can make a person go gray, which shows a weakened hair follicle. It has even been shown to fight against DHT, the cause of pattern baldness. Studies have shown a correlation between the amount of sunlight a person gets and their levels of melatonin. People who are out in the sun more tend to have higher levels. People who spent more time in an office or under flourescant bubs tend to have a lack of melatonin.understanding what is causing this hair loss problem is the real way to understand how you should approach treatment.

Hair growth with melatonin can be done in a few different ways. Scientists have figured out how to make this hormone synthetically. You can get a prescription for this product. Then all you have to do is apply it directly to your head and watch as you start to see results. You can even try getting some sun to help with this. It is important to note that there are several different drugs that this treatment does not interact well with such as certain immune supressing drugs, antidepressants, high blood pressure medication and others as well. There is also a chance that you could suffer from sexual dysfunction from using this product because it fights against the DHT which is necessary for sexual health, in the right amounts. It is also not recommended for children and young adults, as it can mess with their body's natural production of this hormone.

If you are considering hair regrowth with melatonin you should see your doctor. Your doctor will run tests to ensure that your hair loss problem is really coming from a lack of melatonin. If it is not, they can find the actual cause. Then he or she can help you find the best course of action. It is very important to get treatment at the first sign of any hair loss problem. The sooner that a person begins treatment, the beter their cahnces are of actually being able to get full results. Your doctor can tell you what you can expect from this or any other type of hair loss treatment that you choose to go with.