About Propecia finasteride

Propecia finasteride is a treatment for androgenetic alopecia which is also known as male pattern hair loss or baldness. It is the first and only approved prescription treatment for androgenetic alopecia, which is responsible for hair loss in 95% of all men. If you too are witnessing abnormal hair loss, you should consult your doctor and find out if Propecia is suitable for you or not.

Propeciais manufactured by Merck Pharmaceuticals. Finasteride is the active ingredient in Propecia. In clinical trials, this medication has been found to restrict and prevent hair loss, and improve the thickness and texture of existing hair.

How does it work?

Propecia blocks an enzyme known as 5 alpha reductase to bring down the levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is largely responsible for shrinking hair follicles and weakening hair. By this action, Propecia normalizes the hair growth cycle and restores the working of hair follicles.

Dosages of Propecia finasteride

The preferred dose of Propecia for male pattern baldness is 1mg tablets once a day. If your doctor prescribes you a different dosage, you should follow your doctor’s instructions. After you order Propecia, it may take around three months before you see any signs of improvement in your hair.

Treatment with Propecia requires lot of patience as it may take a further three months before hair loss stops completely and up to six months before you seen renewed hair growth. Additionally, if you stop taking Propecia treatment, all hair growth achieved during treatment will be lost within 12 months. If you wish to keep the new hair you have grown, you need to keep taking Propecia.

Online Availability

Propecia is available in most countries. It is also available online and many men prefer tobuy Propecia onlineas it saves their time and energy. However, before you get Propecia online make sure you choose a reputed source. Always insist on getting original and branded Propecia online. Never buy generics or other medicines that are cheap and available at unbelievably low prices.

Side effects

Many prescribed drugs cause side effects and Propecia finasteride is no exception. However, it is not compulsory that everyone who uses it experiences side effects and in most cases, the benefits far outweigh the side effects. Some of the major side effects of Propecia finasteride that you might experience include low desire for sex, inability to get an erection and decrease in semen amount.

Most of these side effects are reversible and go away in a short while after starting treatment. If you do face any side effects of Propecia, you should consult your doctor and confirm if it is suitable for you to continue treatment with Propecia finasteride or not.