Hair Loss Products

For thousands and thousands of men and women, baldness comes as a curse from as early as their 20’s. Even for people in their 50s, alopecia or baldness is never a welcome sight. Gone are those days when toupees, comb-overs and plugs were the only options. Today science has made it possible for men and women to choose from a range of quality
If you are suffering from

The most commonly used are Procerin Capsules. These capsules help in blocking DiHydro-Testosterone (

Another popular choice is


Another popular choice for female hair loss is

Minoxidil used primarily to stimulate hair growth can be applied by both and women. It is a topically applied liquid found in pre-mixed solutions like Rogaine. However, it’s effects are not permanent.

”" / /”> HairMax LaserComb has benefited thousands of men and women. It is highly recommended by Combat Hair Loss. It improves the condition and health of your hair. A very good option for hair loss prevention, it also gives thicker and fuller hair. It uses Low Level Laser Therapy that has been proven to help with hair loss.

The world’s hair loss innovator ”" / /”> Nanogen has a product called ”" / ”> Nanofibres , it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee too. A unique formulation of pure keratin, it produces immediate results after application.

However, the wise decision before going in for any hair loss treatment or buying any hair loss product it to evaluate the cause of your hair loss and understand what has caused it. Once medical reasons are ruled out (e.g. hypothyroidism) then contact for advice.