How Does Hair Loss Surgery Work?

When a man or woman is suffering from hair loss they will usually be looking for a treatment option. For some people hair loss products just do not seem to work. When they do not work, people will often tend to look at hair loss surgery to help them. The first step into deciding on whether or not to go with hair loss surgery is to know how does hair loss surgery work.

The first thing to realize when learning how does hair loss surgery work is that there are different surgeries that are available. They can be done together or together to give better results. These different surgeries are hair transplants, Scalp extenders and scalp reduction. Hair transplant is what people usually think of when they think of hair loss surgery. However it is not the hair plug surgery done with horse hair that many people think it is. What they do is take a skin graph from an area of hair that will not be affected by hair loss and move it to an area that is bald. The scars will be covered by hair, which can make this easier on the recipient. Scalp extenders are a great compliment to this surgery. What they do s put extenders under the scalp in areas that will not go bald. This increases the amount of skin that will produce skin. This gives the doctor more hair to harvest for hair transplants. Scalp reduction works by cutting away some of the balding scalp. Then they sew the scalp back together. This can be beneficial when used on its own or can be used with hair transplants. This can help reduce the amount of hair that needs to be transplanted in order to regain the full head of hair.

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when learning how hair loss surgery works. Hair loss procedures are not done in just one surgery. It is usually accomplished over a series of surgeries. You will have to heal and then go through another surgery. This can be a painful process and each surgery does have its own risk involved as well as the risks of the anesthesia. This can take months or even a year to complete, depending on the severity of the hair loss. Also, especially with scalp extenders, you will have to wait for the hair to grow on the new skin, which can take time in itself as hair only grows about quarter to a half an inch a month.

One you know how does hair loss works, you can make a more informed decision on whether or not you want to go through with it. If you do, the next step you should take is to talk to your doctor. See if he or she can recommend anyone to do the surgery. Remember to research any doctor that you choose. Ask them very thorough questions in regards to their success rates, how many surgeries you are looking at, how long it will take and any other fears or concerns you have.