How Much Hair Should I Lose Each Day?

How much hair should I lose each day? That is definitely a good question. To answer this question it will be wise to first look at the cycle of hair. Understanding the cycle of hair will help us understand how long it takes a single hair to complete the cycle before it is shed off.

The cycle of hair begins with a phase known as follicular morphogenesis. In this phase the hair follicle is formed. The next phase is the anagen phase which is the growing phase of the hair. The next phase is the catagen phase which is the regressing phase. The next phase is the talogen phase which is the resting phase. Then finally the hair enters the exogen phase which is the shedding phase. Under normal circumstances the body is said to have 86 - 90% of hairs being in the anagen phase (growth phase). 10 – 14% of the hairs will be in the talogen phase. Around 1 – 2% of the hairs will be in the catagen phase which will then be shed in the exogen phase. The length of the cycle differs depending on the part of the body the hairs are located. Hairs on the scalp are said to take up to 3 or 4 years to complete the cycle.

Normally the body will shed around 50 – 100 hairs per day. The number differs according to hair type, care and other factors. So it is normal to lose some hairs but it is not normal to lose lots of hair in a single day such that you start to realize patches of hair loss. If you are losing a lot of hairs more than the 1-2% mentioned then you need to look for ways in which you can reduce such hair loss or else you will be at risk of getting bald.

There are many ways in which you can control hair loss. You can control hair loss with the use of shampoos. Shampoos help nourish and strengthen hair strands. Shampoos are also responsible for maintaining the good hygiene of hair. Hair has to be kept clean and free from dandruff. Having clean hair will also reduce hair loss that is caused by breakage that is caused by hair tangling as well as getting rid of fungal infections which trigger hair loss.

You can control hair loss by using some of the modern combs such as the laser comb. These combs release low laser intensity waves that reach the scalp as you comb. These laser waves have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles. They encourage the delay of the catagen phase, thus allowing hairs to stay longer in the growing phase. The result is fewer hairs are shed each day, therefore reducing any chances of baldness.  So, always make sure you keep an eye on the amount of hair you lose each day. If you are losing too many hairs, then you really need to do something to stop it from getting worse or you may become bald.