Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism Causing Hair Loss

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland releases excess hormones. This condition is characterized by excess thyroid hormones circulating the blood. There are several symptoms that are produced by this disease, of which directly cause hair loss. These are some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism causing hair loss.

Sleeping disorders: this affects the body's ability to recuperate and build cells. During rest, the body switches off other functions that expend energy and direct the rest of the energy to functions, such as cell division which helps recuperate the body's cells. Such cell division will also include cell division of hair follicles. When hair follicles are affected as a result of reduced sleep caused by hyperthyroidism, they begin to lag behind in growth and enter the shedding phase quickly, which then causes baldness.

Hyperthyroidism causes muscle weakness. This can also affect hair growth, as muscle movement during physical exercise helps blood flow to extremities of the body such as the scalp. When the scalp is properly oxygenated as a result of continuous exercise, good hair growth is maintained. However, in the presence of hyperthyroidism, exercise is reduced due to muscle fatigue caused by this condition which in turn will cause reduced hair development and growth.

Hyperthyroidism causes oily skin and acne. Oily skin is associated with the accumulation of bacteria and fungi that can cause skin infections such as acne. Acne can also be caused by the body's response to the excess levels of thyroid hormone. Oily skin promotes the formation of dandruff which is a major promoter of hair loss. In the presence of dandruff, bacteria germinates on hair follicles causing irritation which usually causes one to scratch. The scratching can result in increased damage to hair follicles which will result in hair patches. in the case of acne when the pimples caused by acne disturb and damage hair follicles, further scratching of the skin with hair can be caused by acne which will result in hair loss as well.

Hyperthyroidism can cause increased appetite and weight gain. When the body is over fed it begins to deposit a lot of fat. Fat reduces the rate of blood flow to active tissues. This will reduce the amount of blood flow to the regions of the scalp. When blood flow to this region is reduced it will trigger hair thinning and hair loss.

Hyperthyroidism causes diarrhea and increased bowel movements. This has the effect of reducing the amount of nutrients that are absorbed by the body during digestion. So, hyperthyroidism affects the efficiency of the digestive system. When the digestive system is not functioning well, several nutrients will not be taken from the diet. If some of these nutrients include the essential elements that are needed in hair development and growth, the body may experience some hair loss problems.

Hyperthyroidism can also cause some irregularities in the menstrual period. It may cause increased menstruation such that the body sheds more elements which can cause hair loss. These are some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism causing hair loss.