Hazards of Hair Weaving

The simplest way to cover up baldness is to wear a wig. Others may opt for more sophisticated techniques like hair weaving, hair implantation, or fiber implants, but all have serious side effects.

"In hair weaving, the patient's own hair is used to anchor a woven-on hair piece to the scalp. This technique tends to weaken and damage what is left of the wearer's hair. Not only that but also the process needs to be repeated frequently since the hair piece will loosen and lift as the patient's locks grow longer," revealed Dr. Fredric Haberman, a dermatologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Denise Fortino in “Your Skin: A Dermatologist's Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty and Health.”

If you're considering hair implantation, the results can be disastrous. This technique, in which a hair piece is sutured to the scalp, can cause soreness and scarring that may destroy the patient's healthy hair follicles. Implanted hair may also be ruined by combing, styling, or shampooing.

Fiber implants are even worse. The implantation of synthetic fibers into the scalp can result in infection, scarring, soreness, and facial swelling. If the above methods scare you, there are a number of drugs that may do the trick. Since the hair root is usually alive even after hair is lost, there is a possibility or re-growth.

Oral cortisone tablets can sometimes stimulate hair growth but prolonged use can lead to serious physical or mental side effects. Furthermore, once the drug is stopped, the new hair falls out.

"Other forms of cortisone are rubbed or injected into your scalp. Their effect is often temporary and this treatment is practical and effective only for small areas," according to Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the “Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.

Certain chemicals rubbed onto the scalp can cause hair growth by irritating the area. Not everyone, however, will be pleased at the results of this time-consuming method.

So far, the most successful method for treating male-and female-pattern baldness is a hair transplant. There are many variations of this surgical procedure.

In punch grafting, the surgeon removes tiny pieces of skin containing about eight to 15 hair follicles and transplant these on the bald areas on the scalp. This is done by means of a small instrument that punches out pieces of scalp from the sides or back of the head which aren't affected by baldness.

"The punched follicles are placed in spots on the bald scalp that have been cut with a similar instrument. The donor sites are closed with stitches, while the area that received the transplant is bandaged for a day or so. The grafts have to space far enough apart to ensure adequate nourishment from surrounding blood vessels. That's why hair transplants are done in stages, often with about 30 grafts at a time, then at least a three-week wait," said the editors of Consumer Union's “The New Medicine Show.”

After six weeks, the transplanted hair falls out but new hair starts to grow in three months. The new hair is coarser in texture but appears thicker. It will grow just like any other hair on your head which you can cut, comb or style. (Next: Scalp reduction for hair loss?)

Even if you don’t have hair, you can still look good with Lumnaderm, a whitening cream that eliminates freckles, unsightly age spots, sun spots, blemishes and hyperpigmentation. When used as directed, Lumnaderm will balance uneven skin tones and illuminate your skin. For more information, visit .