How To Make Hair Grow Faster

Ok so you want to know “How to make hair grow” longer and faster? What can you do and how should you go about it?

You can discover how to make hair grow-to do this the first thing you have to do is stop using normal shampoos/conditioners, in fact stop using all commercial hair products

This is because these products contain harsh toxic chemicals that stunt thehair growth process

And make sure you have a positive mental attitude about how to make hair grow –you must not listen to people who say there is no way of growing your hair faster and longer

So step 1, be sure to drink lots of water, you need at least 8 glasses a day to keep your body at a healthy state

Do not eat junk food if you wish to grow hair long, fatty and fried foods will stoop the hair growth process and you will never discover how to make hair grow

How to make hair grow, massages will increase blood flow to the scalp and promote hair growth

To grow long hair be sure enough to get a trim every 8 weeks, splits will cause hair damage and hair breakages and you don’t want this when growing long hair

stay away from heat, never wash your hair with hot water and never use heating tools like
flat irons as they damage your hair
consume lots of fruits and vegetables to grow long hair fast, you need lots of vitamins like Vitamin A, K, B and C to grow hair

Hair grows ½-1 an inch per month but you can increase the speed by using powerful herbal growth oil like Mira hair oil, it will promote faster hair growth

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