Facts About Lichenplanopilaris

Lichen Planus is a terrible skin disease and there are about five types including Lichenplanopilaris (LPP). It is prevalent on parts of the body that have but mostly dominantly appears on the head. The skin becomes inflamed, scarred and hair loss occurs. Having such a condition will destroy one's self image. Many sufferers are embarrassed by their condition and tend to withdraw from people. This leads to social problems as the individual will avoid company as much as possible. Luckily, LPP can be treated with success and one can continue living their life normally.

The condition manifests itself in small follicular papules. These have the appearance of pimples. These papules may be white in color or have different shades of purple. They are glossy or shiny. The papules have irregular shapes but all are flat topped. The hair appears as if it is growing from a pimple. Because of this, the hair tends to break off. More hair is lost as long as the condition is not treated. The scalp becomes very itchy and patients have a strong desire to scratch. As the condition continues, scarring occurs. The scars are seen as patches of irregular shapes on the head. Scars are an indication that the hair follicles have been damaged and the damage may be permanent. This leads to another condition known as scarring alopecia.

The causes of LPP are not really distinctively known. It is thought that the condition develops after one has been exposed to certain types of chemicals. It may also be a reaction to some types of medication. The body's response to these medications and chemicals is termed as a Lichenoid reaction. Reactions are not instant and the condition may become evident after a period of time and may take as long as 2 years to manifest itself.

The condition is easy to diagnose visually. However, a skin biopsy can be done. The biopsy helps to determine the strength of the condition. This aids in the treatment of the condition. Treatment is through the use of immunosuppressive medication, topical creams which are steroid based, antihistamines as well as other drugs. Psoralen UV-A has been known to treat the condtion. An example of a immunosuppressant drug is mycophenolate mofetil. Topical creams help to relieve the itching. This condition should be treated soon after the symptoms start to show. If not the hair follicles will be permanently damaged and all the hair will be lost.

LPP can completely disappear and there may be no cases of recurrence. Seeking professional help early means that treatment can start early. Sufferers start to lose their hair, and as the condition continues, all the hair falls out. When scarring occurs, there will be no evidence of hair growth. Once the hair follicles are damaged, they may not recover. This means you will always have a bald head. Some people have resorted to wearing wigs or a hat to cover the baldness. Wigs can come in different colors and styles and one can choose the most suitable.