Losing my hair! - essential tips to regrowing hair and keeping it healthy

Are you experiencing thinning hair and bald spots to what used to be a perfect head of hair? Have you recently checked the mirror, took a good look, then thought to yourself “I'm losing my hair”! You're not alone, half of all adults experience hair loss by the age of 50. 20% of men experience hair loss by the age of 20.

It's important to note that a cause for hair loss in men would be the presence of a hormone by-product called DHT, which causes your hair follicles to degenerate and stop growing hairs.

There's also the issue of testosterone interfering with your hair follicles.

It's also important to note that there are guides such as this one that are written specifically to help you reverse the effects of DHT, general hair loss, and balding.

Here are a few ways to battle DHT and hair loss in general.

1. First off, try to avoid high amounts of vitamin A, as it can cause hair loss.

Look in the foods that you ingest and make sure they don't have high amounts of vitamin a. Either that, or simply eat less of the foods that have vitamin a in it.

2. One of the causes for hair loss is stress and anxiety.

Of course, it's common knowledge, but it's worth mentioning that in order to do away with the stress and anxiety that interferes with hair growth, you need to exercise and have a proper sleep schedule. I excersize daily and make sure I have a proper sleep schedule to make sure I don't start losing my hair. I recommend this to anyone, as this is probably a good place to start if they ever need to start regrowing hair.

3. If you are taking medication that you suspect may be contributing to your hair loss, make sure you ask your doctor if any of your medication might be harmful for your hair follicles.

4. There are a couple of herbs you may want to look for.

Herbs Palmetto and Licorice Root battle DHT, which is a great way to treat your hair loss. If you have a way to get ahold of these herbs, I say go ahead and use them and see if they work for you.

5. Last but not least, I would very highly recommend you try a guide called “hair loss conquered”.

It's a guide that specializes in male hair loss and will definitely stop hair loss and make your hair grow back, easily. Having a guide like this one is essential. If you're serious about taking action against hair loss, getting this guide may be a good place to start. You can find that here: hairlossconquered.myreviewnow.info

When dealing with hair loss, please take note that there is a 3-4 year grace period where you can reverse the effects of DHT, testosterone, and more. I'd advise anyone who wants to reverse the effects of hair loss to do what they can as soon as possible! After this 3-4 years, hair follicles are gone for good. All you need to do is take action, so one day, you'll be able to say “I'm not losing my hair anymore” while showing off your new hair style.