Follicular Unit Extraction for Women

For women, from time immemorial, hair epitomizes beauty. Hair of a woman is definitely a vital aspect to reflect the elegance of beauty in a refined manner. Excess mental stress, dietary deficiencies and commonly used hair styling practices, and genetic inheritance are the factors making the hair loss problem a common phenomenon among both males and females. But, unfortunately, female hair loss is addressed with lesser attention. Hair loss may lead to decrease in the self esteem level, increase anxiety and frustration and restricted outings among women. If the hair loss is putting an extra pinch of psychological and emotional stress, it should be given immediate attention and expert help.

The pattern of hair loss among women is very different compared to that of men. Unlike men, some omen faces an overall sparseness in the hair count. The hair loss among women follows the diffuse pattern. It means, there are no specific patches which are more prone to intense hair loss. The hair loss pattern among women is often cyclical and it may often worsen following pregnancy and menopause. Apart from the above factors, some genetic or hereditary traits also cause the hair fall among women.

FUE ( follicular unit extraction ) hair transplantation is an effective way to restore the beauty of hair among women.

.Keep in mind that you are eligible for hair transplantation if the hair loss is due to some mechanical forces (trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents and chemical burns) or traction Alopecia. Some women also have typical male type baldness. They can take the help of transplantation to restore the elegance of their look. Before going for the transplantation, make sure that you are the right candidate and the process will be helpful for you. Now, with the help of Internet you can have the relevant information regarding the hair transplantation for women and the experts performing these. You can have a clear idea regarding its effectiveness if you go for the reviews of the women who have undergone through the hair transplantation process.