Medical Hair Restoration - Cure Against Hair Fall

Our hairs are one of the key factors that beautify us. They way you style your hair speaks a lot about your personality. However, hair fall is a big issue for young men and women that are characterized by thinning of hair and resultant bald patches. Whereas, in normal cases, the hair shed is soon replaced by a new one, during onset of baldness there is progressively less replacement as hair are shed. This may be attributes to a wide variety of medical conditions and prompt diagnosis and specific treatment by a medical specialist is advisable.

Even a few decades back, these factors were beyond the reach of human beings and someone suffering from any of these had to compromise on his appearance. Today, medical hair restoration techniques make it possible to restore back hair and regain one's look. Medical hair restoration surgery is a complicated procedure and an expensive one. The surgery is complicated and should be resorted to only on advice of and performed by an expert hair restoration surgeon. The l surgeons with their expertise are able to detect the actual causes of hair fall that may escape a layman's eyes. Once detected, they recommend a method suitable for the patient.

In appropriate cases, the medical practitioner recommends a restoration procedure. The scalp of an adult individual can be well demarcated donor area where dense hair growth can be found. Medical hair restoration is of various types. State of the art procedures currently are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In a typical hair restoration procedure, the hair along with the follicular unit is removed from the donor area and grafted to the balder portion of head.

Hair transplant surgery is a complicated but safe outpatient procedure and is relatively free of any significant risks or side effects. There is mild to moderate discomfort for a few days easily controlled by simple pain medications. For some there may be temporary localized numbness of the skin that takes a few weeks to resolve. Infection is very rare. Some experience itchiness which generally lasts for two to five days and generally disappears with normal shampooing and treatment.

One should always adhere to his doctors recommendations during the healing process to assure a successful outcome.