Premature Hair Loss Myths Debunked

Hair loss has been a problem since the beginning of time. Men and women both suffer from it. This problem, like many others, has had myths and old wives tales spread about why you lose you your hair and how to prevent hair loss. Science has discovered the cause of hair loss. It is not as simple as one answer but can come from many different sources. This has shown many of the long thought causes of premature hair loss to be myths.

One very common misconception about hair loss is that wearing hats all the time can cause premature hair loss. The only way this can happen is if your hat is tight on your head and pulls on your scalp. Aside from that, the only side effect is flat messed up hair. Wigs do not cause hair loss either, though some believe they do. However, extensions that pull on your scalp may cause you to have traction alopecia. Another myth people buy into about hair loss is that shaving it off will make it grow in thicker. You need to have the proper nutrients to have your hair complete the normal hair growth process, not having it shaved. Some people believe that shampooing your hair too much can cause it to fall out. The only real way this can happen is if you have some sort of allergic reaction to the shampoo itself. In fact, shampoos containing silica can help your hair grow fuller and make it look healthier.

There are also a lot of myths around cosmetic processes such as perms and dying causing hair loss. This is not necessarily true. If they are done properly and with the right amount of time between them, they should not cause you to lose your hair. However, hair straighteners and curling irons that burn the scalp on a regular basis may cause you to have hair loss issues in those spots. It is also believe that brushing your hair with at least one hundred strokes a day will create healthier hair. This is also a myth. Scalp massage has been shown to help with making hair grow faster but not necessarily brushing. Though brushing your hair will make it untangled which can make it look healthier, it does not mean that it is.

Many people have strange ideas when it comes to hair loss. There are all sorts of stories of the odd things people do in order to keep from losing their hair. If you are concerned about premature hair loss the best thing to do is to talk to your dermatologist. He or she can go over all of the causes, help you understand your risk factors and even give you an idea on what you can do to prevent hair loss. If you are already experiencing hair loss, your doctor can run tests and review your medical history to find the cause of your hair loss, which will allow you to come up with the appropriate course of action for treating the hair loss.