How to Go About Curing Sudden Hair Loss

The occurrence of hair loss can be caused by many reasons. The most frequent cause for hair loss is genetic i.e. if your mother or father is suffering from hair loss there is a large possibility that you will suffer from hair loss as well. The main reason for sudden hair loss in an individual is illness or a surgery. Once this illness is healed, the sudden hair loss will stop as a matter of course. If a person is suffering from sudden hair loss, his health should be looked to make sure sudden hair loss is not caused by a systemic infection which has gone undetected.

Sudden hair loss may also occur when you have undergone chemotherapy treatment, and also as a side effect from certain medication. Consult your doctor to find out if your hair could be a side effect of a drug you are taking. A change in medication may be able cure the your sudden hair loss.

You can suffer from sudden hair loss if you are confronted with severe stress. If you are under severe stress due to a variety of reasons such as pressure at work, pressure at home, you may suffer from sudden hair loss. As soon as the stress is gone, you can see a positive improvement.

Sudden hair loss is also noticed in the postpartum period of pregnant women. This is mainly due to the sudden withdrawal of hormones after giving birth to a child. Hair stays in the growing phase during pregnancy. This kind of sudden hair loss will get cured automatically without any treatment. Excess combing or brushing may be avoided to prevent excessive loss of hair.

Production of excessive DHT (Dihydro testosterone) in the hair follicles and scalp may also lead to sudden hair loss. Neutralizing the effect or controlling the production of DHT will definitely control the condition. Selection of appropriate medicine such as propecia may be useful in such a case. There are many other products available on the market for neutralizing the effect of DHT. Folligen hair loss treatment with copper peptide helps to prevent sudden hair loss. The micro-nutrient copper provides thick hair by reducing hair thinning.

Follicle Nutrient System (FNS), a new innovative therapy, provides all the important nutrients to the hair follicles directly and avoids wasting of nutrients. FNS is a non-hormonal therapy which is to be considered one of the best cures for sudden hair loss. The FNS therapy helps the hair to get all essential minerals and vitamins.

Tricomin Hair Loss Treatment with copper peptides is also an important therapy, which provides effective remedial measure for sudden hair loss. This remedy provides copper to the hair follicles directly for the effective cure of hair loss.