What Is The Secret To Grow Your Hair Long?

What is the secret to grow your hair long?

You may have hair that barely reaches your shoulders and you may have split ends and split hairs all over your hair.

The usual option is to shave it all off and let it grow back from scratch but the question is , is there a way to grow hair long with some other method? If you hair is weak, dry and brittle and breaks easy it’s then the first step is to get a powerful hair oil, like Mira hair oil. This amazing hair oil does everything, it stimulates hair growth, removes dandruff and beautifies your hair and does it all naturally

The best way to use this oil treatment is to apply it on the scalp and ends of the hair and let it sit in for at least an hour and then wash it off- this is my secret and it will grow your hair long

The oil also comes with a shampoo and the way I use it is to apply the oil on my hair to get moisture through the whole hair shaft, then I shampoo my hair with Mira hair shampoo-allow the oil to penetrate your hair , I recommend you heat up a towel and wrap the towel around your hair and head  it will  keep the moisture on the hair, and the warm towel will speed up the procedure to grow your hair long.

Once you have left it on for an hour, you should then rinse the oil off with Luke warm water-you don’t want to use hot water as the heat will still damage the hair and warm-cold will smooth the hair down. After rinsing wash your hair with thehair growth shampoothat comes with it

To grow your hair longall you have to do is do thishair growth treatment1-2 a week, you will see a difference right away

If you want to grow long hair you want to stay away from straighteners for as long as you can, or your hair will not grow –this is because the heat will continue to split your hair causing damage and slowing thehair growth process.

The next grow your hair long secretis to have a trim every 4-6 weeks. This will take the dead hair away without the need to shave your hair off. This also keeps your hair healthy and healthy hair tends to grow at a faster rate.

Do the above and you will grow your hair long-sure it will take 6-12 months before you see a dramatic change but you will feel changes in the first 2 weeks. Try Mira hair oil below you will not be disappointed