Ways to Promote Hair Growth

Most people would not consider that themselves as vain. We do not spend two hours in the morning making sure that every hair is combed into place and that our make-up is flawless. However, how we look is important. We make sure to shower daily, brush our hair, and wear clothing that is professional. Our appearance factors into our jobs and our social life; it is an important part of being a member in society. There are always a few things that we would like to change about ourselves but some features are more noticeable than others. People who feel that they are losing hair on top of the head are extremely self-conscious about it. As hair loss is much more prominent in men, many hair growth products and treatments are tailored to males. Some men decide just to shave their head and keep it that way to avoid bad hairlines, other opt for hair growth treatments.

If you are interested in learning how to promote hair growth, you should research all the options first before deciding on one option over another. Different treatments work better for some people depending on their age, amount of hair loss, and hair type.

One popular theory is that food can aid in hair growth. Hair loss is caused by several different factors, which include genes, stress levels, diet, and hormone balances. For instance, having high levels of DHT will cause you to lose hair. Drinking green tea can help correct this hormone imbalance and low fat diets are helpful.

The most important nutrients your body needs to " target="_self" promote hair growth are protein and iron. In order to increase both of these elements naturally in your diet, you need to add cottage cheese, beans, tofu, and eggs for protein and whole grain cereals, dark leafy vegetables, and liver for iron. Other additions that should be made are B vitamins (eggs, meat), sulfur (fish, nuts, legumes), Vitamin E (avocados, nuts, vegetable oil), and essential fatty acids (soy, walnuts, canola oil, fish). Simply by integrating more of these important elements into your diet, your hair will grow in stronger and healthier. If your hair loss is something that does not seem to respond to diet changes, then you need to see a doctor to explore your other options!