Is Traction Alopecia A Serious Condition?Traction alopecia is a common condition in men and women who are accustomed to hairstyles that tend to pull the hair, like buns or ponytails. Such hairstyles cause tension on the hair to the extent that the hair breaks. The hair follicles get damaged and continuous damage may cause them to die and stop growing. This condition is most commonly seen on the hairline and just above the temples. This section may become bald. If treatment is not sought early, there is almost nothing that can be done. This makes this type of alopecia a very serious cause for concern. The condition is universal amongst ballerinas, who have to tightly pull their hair back. It has also been noted to be common in African Americans, Japanese and Indians. The Japanese and Indians have traditional hairstyles with involve pulling the hair. African Americans have hairstyles like braids, cornrows and weaves which add a lot of tension to the hair. Hair loss is gradual and will continue as long as these hairstyles continue. Hair loss usually commences at a young age and is frequently seen on children and young people. The use of chemicals is also another cause of traction alopecia. Examples of such chemical include hair straighteners and dyes. Use of hair dryers is also contributory as there is application of heat that will affect the follicles. The strength of the hair is drastically reduced such that it becomes fragile. When coupled with tight hairstyles, the hair breaks at a faster rate. The condition has to be detected early for it to be treated. When it has advanced, it may not be treatable. It is important not to have hairstyles that will tug at the roots of the hair. Chemical and thermal use should be avoided. The frequent use of hair accessories and curlers as well should be limited. Rather the hair should be left loose and softer hairstyles should be employed. Hairstyles that distribute tension and weight are all good. There are no symptoms for this condition except for headaches. Hence, if you feel a headache, then your hairstyle may be too tight and should be loosened. Allow your hair to have resting periods when you leave it untied or unplaited. There are some medications that can be employed to stop further loss of hair. There are treatments in the form of topical creams, shampoos, lotions and drugs. The most commonly prescribed medication is minoxidil. Minoxidil promotes the shedding of hair in the last stage of hair growth and the growth of new hair. It will need to be applied on a regular basis until hair has grown to a satisfactory length. Most people usually go for hair transplants to fix the problem of traction alopecia. Transplants are a more permanent solution, but if one continues with those damaging hairstyles, then the cycle of hair breakage will start all over again. After hair has been transplanted, it will grow normally, which means there will be no hair thinning by the hairline and above the temples. |