Getting the Dish on Vitamin Deficiency and Hair Loss

Vitamins are essential to human life, without them our bodies would not function. When your body is deficient in vitamins you will notice changes. Depending on the vitamins you are deficient in will determine the change. Having vitamin deficiency of certain vitamins can lead to hair loss and many other health problems. The great thing though about hair loss caused from vitamin deficiency is that getting the proper balance of vitamins will cure the problem most of the time.

The main vitamins for your hair are the B vitamins. These are vitamins such as B6, B3, Biotin and Folic Acid. These vitamins are essential to maintaining healthy hair and have even been found to prevent hair loss. Vitamin C is another vitamin that if you are deficient in can have serious effects on your hair. This nutrient is important in making sure that your follicles get proper blood supply, as the blood is what carries the nutrients to the hair. Vitamin E and Zinc have been linked to helping hair through improved immune function.  It is also important to make sure that your body is not deficient in protein or iron. Protein is the main component of hair, therefore if you are lacking in this, your hair will suffer.

So you may ask, what is the solution then? It is really quite easy. Just changing your diet can make all the difference in the world when it comes to your hair loss. Make sure you get a nice balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, which means rich in color as well. Making sure you get protein is also a key ingredient in this mix. A study has also found a connection between high fat diets and hair loss. Just remember to eat a well balanced, low fat, high protein diet. This means, try to focus more on lean meats such as chicken or fish. Fish actually contain Omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have numerous health benefits. If you are unsure of what foods contain these nutrients, there are many different websites that can tell you what you will get out of the foods you eat. Along with this, it is a good idea to take a multivitamin made to support healthy hair. This will help make sure that you are receiving all the proper nutrients you need to have beautiful thick hair and a well working body as well.

When your body does not get the proper nutrients it needs it can not function correctly. It will just focus on getting the important tasks taken care of, such as breathing, maintaining internal organ function and things like this. It lacks on the not as essential functions, such as making sure you have beautiful skin and you keep all your hair. The key to healthy hair and health life is to get the proper nutrition. Vitamins are important no matter what your age. And if you make sure you take care of yourself, you will not have t worry about vitamin deficiency and hair loss problems that arise from this.