Biotin Hair Growth - Is It Effective In Growing Hair?

Researching biotin hair growth supplements lead me to a lot of conflicting information, and I wanted to share my findings to help people cut down on the time it takes to investigate hair regrowth treatments. I am in a unique situation as my wife and I both suffer from hair loss, so I was doing double duty while looking for answers. I was able to find a solution that worked for both my wife and I that enabled us to grow our hair back significantly. Below I will outline the research that led to our success.

Biotin Hair Products Research

Biotin supplementation is a key component in stopping hair loss and stimulating hair growth. Biotin is known as vitamin B7 and is essential in assisting the body to be able to grow hair and helps promote healthy skin and nails also. This is important because dermatitis ahs been linked to hair loss. You can get Biotin naturally in foods like walnuts and eggs, but it is difficult to consume enough of these types of food to be effective. So supplementation is required for people who are experiencing hair loss. This is true for both men and women.

Vitamin B7 shows no major side effects if taken at the recommended dosages. Studies of people who were given large doses of Biotin showed no real side effects either, and is a fairly safe supplement for most people. This supplement has been effective in lowering blood sugar in diabetics and helping in weight loss as well.

After sifting through a mountain of information I came to trus the information above as being accurate. Based on these findings my wife and I began taking 5000 mcg of Biotin daily. Both of us had fairly good results with this supplement. Our hair loss seemed to be slowing and I  began to see some growth on the top of my head. At this point I began researching again to see if there were other ways to get better results.

Minoxidil and Biotin Hair Growth

I discovered that a combination of Minoxidil and biotin would greatly enhance hair growth. Minoxidil is the FDA approved hair regrowth that most of us have heard about in the product Rogaine.

Minoxidil was originally created as a high blood pressure treatment that showed an astonishing side effect of stopping hair loss and in some cases hair regrowth. This launched a multi billion dollar hair loss treatment by the Upjohn corporation in the mid nineties.

Side effects are rare and mild when they occur and usually involve and itchy and sensitive scalp in the areas where applied. Typically men will get a solution of 5% Menoxidil and women 2%.

My wife and I began the Rogaine Program and continued our regimen of Biotin supplementation. Our results were even better this time. We both had stopped our hair loss and began to regrow hair. My wife had less improvement than I did, and we were still dissatisfied with the results. Don't get me wrong we were glad to have improvement, but after months of treatment we felt we would never get the hair back that we were hoping for.

The Provillus Program Finally Gave Us Tremendous Results

I went back to my research and started looking for other solutions. My breakthrough came not from the computer though, but from my friend Joe Gammand. I was talking to him about our problem and he suggested a program called Provillus which had worked miracles for his wife Anne. I went back to the computer and learned about this system The thing that really caught my attention was that the program included the benefits of Biotin hair growth and other supplements that aided in regrowing hair. It was also apparent that the programs for men and women were very different from each other and had proven great results, especially in women.

Provillus offers a 60 Day Free Trial , so I signed up and we began trying the program. Within the 60 days my hair started to grow much more rapidly than with Rogaine, and my wife was actually showing beter results! We have continued with the program and have both grown back substantial amounts of hair. We look younger now by far and get compliments regularly