Hair Loss Treatment - 4 Effective Solutions To A Growing ProblemMost of the hair loss treatments available on the market these days are most successfully applied by those who haven't waited too long to do the right thing for their condition. Many of those who have experienced balding at some point in their lives have said that the longer you wait, the harder you can prevent it from occurring, and the harder it is to treat. Hair loss treatment for men is often identified with the appearance of a receding hairline, also known as slow balding at the crown of the head. This condition is observed to be a progressive that if it is left ignored and untreated, the condition will continue and you will just notice in the end that much of your hair has been lost. The condition in men is caused by a number of factors. For some who do not completely get bald, the root of the issue is highly associated to hereditary and hormonal imbalances. To evaluate your own hair loss treatment it is much advisable to talk to an expert whom you think can greatly help you. You can consult a dermatologist or a surgeon to help you determine the kind of situation you are suffering from. There are a lot of possible treatments to fight or prevent the condition from happening. Here Are The Top 4 Effective Types of Hair Loss Treatments 1. The growth stimulators, generally, are used in preventing the condition for the fact that they are capable of working on a symptomatic level to stimulate growth, although artificially. These agents are capable of performing such acts without actually dealing with hair loss at the root of the problem. Note that it is because of this function that growth stimulators are deemed ineffective. But the truth of the matter is, these agents are actually a very successful and powerful way of reversing the balding process, although cosmetically. 2. Anti-androgens are but another powerful hair loss treatment in men. The use of this solution stems from the belief that anti-androgens work to stop the DHT from binding to the androgen receptor. The androgens, according to studies, come in about ¾ of the way down to the actual process leading to the condition, and as they come to the rescue, they tend to show off one of the last interactions before certain damages to the hair follicles occur, then restoring the then weakened follicles. 3. The dihydrotestosterone or DHT inhibitors, as the name implies, functions to inhibit the fastening of 5-Alpha Reductase and Testosterone. This combination is what actually keeps the DHT levels to stay close to normal. Once maintained normal, the DHT inhibitors work to help keep the hair growth as well as loss regulation as its normal state. With this condition and function, it's no wonder that DHT inhibitors are used by bald men to deal and treat the root of their hair loss dilemma. 4. Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) treatments are marketing throughout the world these days to prevent excessive hair loss in men. Claims have it that these treatments work by way of gripping and controlling the immune response the in body which may occur as a result of the excessive DHT in the hair follicle. The Super Oxide, which is released once a foreign body is sensed by the cells, is then considered as an alien body that is potent enough to help the body fight and defend against the invading cells, foreign tissues and viruses. However, this Super Oxide is reduced by SODs, which may in turn help lessen the body's desire to turn down the follicle. It is with this function actually that the SODs are considered as effective enough to treat hair loss in men. It is important to know though that SOD treatments are a kind of a hybrid treatment for the reason that they carry within them a number of anti-inflammatory and growth stimulation properties. So if you are currently suffering from hair loss and you are considering treatment, it's definitely best for you to consult with your doctor first before you undergo any type of treatment for your condition. Also, make sure that you understand the cause of your hair loss condition as this will help you to determine the best options available for you. |