About Propecia

Propecia is a prescription drug. Propecia is used for the normalization of the hair growth cycle and it reverses the hair loss process. Propecia finasteride is the first medicine for hair loss treatment approved by health authorities and it is very effective, as proven in clinical trials.

How Propecia works for hair loss control?

Propecia works by affecting the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone, (DHT) as said above. DHT is a chemical occurring in the male scalp. If the level of DHT goes above a certain level, some of the hair follicles in the scalp shrink and the hair falls out. Propecia inhibits the production of DHT and stops the hair follicles from shrinking further. In some cases, Propecia finasteride also expands the damaged follicles thus reversing the hair loss process. However, this can be achieved only if you take Propecia regularly for a long period of time. As long as you continue to take Propecia, the level of DHT remains reduced and the hair loss is reduced or stopped. If you stop taking Propecia before the completion of treatment, you may even lose whatever positive results you have had.

Dosage and side effects

You can take Propecia anytime during the day but to get better results you should take it at the same time each day. Propecia can be taken with or without meals. If you lower the dosage, then it might be less effective and if you increase the dosage then you may face some serious side effects. For better results, Propecia should be taken regularly for at least a year.

After you start to take Propecia, you may experience some side effects just like any other medicines. These side effects are mild in nature, and the few side effects of Propecia are impotence, breast tenderness, pain in the testicles, decreased sex drive, reduced volume of ejaculation, other ejaculation disorders, hypersensitivity reactions such as itching, hives or swelling of the lips and face.

How to buy Propecia online?

Almost 80% of men lose their hair as they get older. If you feel embarrassed because of your hair loss then you should start Propecia treatment now. You can buy Propecia online and it is very simple way to do it. You have to fill in a medical questionnaire which will be looked at by a registered doctor. If the doctor finds that Propecia is suitable for you then he may give you a prescription to buy Propecia online.