Diet Effects Hair Loss

Well for those of you who have enjoyed my other articles about hair growth products and hair loss, thank-you. Now my friends today’s article won’t be as long, we are going to cover diet and hair loss. Will you know everything after reading this? Of course not. I’m sure a book could be written on the subject (note to self, write book on subject). My goal here is to provide you with enough information to start researching yourself more in-depth. Okay no more rambling, on to the subject at hand.

My other hair loss articles cover the topic from the stand point of genetics. The culprit of the genetic factor is a chemical known as DHT. If you don’t know what I’m talking about search for my article “Understanding Hair Growth Products, Understand Hair loss”. There are of course an abundance of hair loss cases that have nothing to do with genetics. A good friend of mine, through trial and error, realized his hair loss was not associated with DHT, so he decided to take action. He simply thought he would change certain environmental factors; he watched which hair products he was using and how often, he changed his diet and coupled the diet change with vitamins, minerals and herbs that are associated with promoting healthy hair growth. What do you think happened? His hair loss was successfully stopped without taking any unnatural hair growth products.

Common sense tells us that a bad diet will equal bad health. So it obviously makes sense that a bad diet would affect the health of one’s hair doesn’t it? You see it is simple math really. This shouldn’t be too hard to follow. High caloric intake (plus) a diet Low in nutrients equals hair loss in a lot of men, and women.

It’s easy to look back over time and see that diets have changed over the decades. We’ve moved away (as a whole, not saying you’re all guilty) from consistently eating high protein nutrient rich diets. We as a mass started eating foods high in calories and high in fat. I’m sure there are many reasons to blame for this, such as life just moves faster and men and women both generally working outside of the home. Our foods are processed, and filled with preservatives and pesticides and are high in nitrates.

For you feeling like genetics is not the cause of your hair loss, then let me suggest a few things.

First, change your diet. Drink at least one to two liters of water a day. When purchasing meats, check to make sure there are no added hormones. Stop buys foods that have preservatives to give them a longer shelf life, start eating organic people. Also switch from white bread to whole wheat and make sure you consume enough whole grains and fiber every day. This diet change should promote better circulation which means more blood flow to the scalp.

Along with the diet change, there are herbs, minerals and vitamins that will help fight hair loss. Now I’m not going to go into how each one works, research people. A few herbs associated with promoting healthy hair growth are; sage, rosemary, ginkgo biloba and saw palmetto. Vitamins that will help are a very good B-complex and vitamin C. Iron, copper, lysine, selenium and zinc are some of the minerals that can help. Make sure to also consume Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, to promote healthy hair and health in general.

With this type of diet change you should see more benefits than just for your hair, you should see a giant increase in your energy and overall health. Well my cohort of balding men I will speak to you soon, in the meantime get out there and make some changes you think you might need to make!