Generic Propecia A Day Keeps Baldness Away

Hair loss is something most men secretly 'fear' and hope it may never actually occur. For ages, men have made several attempts to reverse the hair loss process and find some cure for baldness.

Cleopatra, for instance, used a mixture of horse teeth, bear grease, burnt mice and deer marrow in her attempt to cure Julius Caesar's baldness, but it never worked out. Since then, humanity has invented a cure for baldness that actually works.

Hair Loss or signs of baldness (Androgenic alopecia) is a common symptom of the aging process, but what many people disregard is that it can also cause low self-esteem; falling hairs are an obstruction towards an attractive personality. Dealing with hair loss can be highly challenging, leading to intense stress, anxiety and even depression.

Historical facts indicate that hair loss that cannot be stopped or prevented, and this adds to the anxiety of many men worldwide. However, Finasteride or better known as Generic Propecia is the answer to all your doubts or word-of-mouth opinions pertaining to hair loss. Finasteride or Generic Propecia is the premier drug treatment for baldness.

Finasteride is the most trusted medication for hair loss; commonly branded as Generic Propecia it is the tried and tested treatment availed by thousands of customers world-wide.

The primary contributing factor in male pattern baldness is DHT - 5α-Dihydrotestosterone. Hair loss research has brought open the role of DHT in male and female pattern baldness and hence preventive measures were targeted to prevent this hormone from acting on receptors present in human scalp.

Generic Propecia works by inhibiting the formation of DHT in the system. Within days of administration, the overall DHT levels are reduced and the adverse effects of DHT on the follicles stop. 1 mg of Finasteride (Propecia) acts as a DHT inhibitor since results show that it blocks approximately 55% of DHT action. As a result, the hair loss process is reversed. Sustained treatment of 1 mg daily is required, in order to maintain reduced DHT levels.

We are leading suppliers of Propecia Online , who specialize in marketing Finasteride and Finasteride only. Make use of this revolutionary cure for hair loss from the comfort of your own home.