What are the Best Hair Loss Solutions?

Of the many things that plaque people as they grow old, hair loss is one of the most demoralizing. Some people just throw up their hands instead of dealing with the problem because they think that they have inherited the genes that lead to the condition from their mother and can do precious little about it. This is far from the truth. Firstly, the genes that are responsible for balding may come from the father's side. Secondly, much can be done to prevent, retard, and reverse the problem.

If you are in a hurry to cover up the balding patched that have become a source of embarrassment for you, you may opt for the short term hair loss solutions. The simplest way of ensuring that you do not look bad because balding patches is to increase the volume of the hair with microscopic keratin fibers. These get lodged in between hairs and are invisible to the naked eye. These also get attached to the vellus that grows even in the portions of the scalp that are balding. It is not a good idea to opt for paints or powder to conceal the balding patches because some of these tend to get spoiled if they are exposed to water. This means that they could let you down if you get caught in the rain.

If you want hair loss solutions that ensure lasting results you will have to wait for sometime before the results can be noticed.

One of the most effective hair loss solutions that have been devised is the inclusion of DHT inhibitors in shampoos. It is important to deliver DHT inhibitors to the scalp because presence of DHT in the scalp results in bad hair. Since it better to use natural substances to remove DHT, saw palmetto and nettles are a good choice. While buying your shampoo make sure that it contains these. If you can't get them at the stores that are accessible to you, you may order for them through the internet.

It is also important to ensure that the circulation of the nutrient-bearing blood to the scalp is undisturbed. Researchers have found that the circulation of the blood in the scalps of the people who are balding is not as good as the blood circulation of those who are not balding.

In case you want to find out more about hair loss solutions, just visit the websites of the manufacturers who make these products.