PropeciaFree and discount Propecia (finasteride) Offers Online In these difficult economic times, people are looking to cut costs everywhere possible. Most men rely heavily on their Propecia regiment to do all they can to keep their hair. As such, very few men will likely be willing to stop their treatments altogether, as losing their hair for life, simply isn't an option regardless of how tight their budgets may be. So, most Propecia (finasteride) users turn to actively finding the best Propecia deals online to be able to buy Propecia or trustworthy generic Propecia at the best possible price. Discount or Wholesale Propecia Retail prices for Propecia can be very high. Many pharmacies charge in excess of $75 per month supply. That breaks down to $2.50 per day and more for their daily Propecia (finasteride) needs. The Internet is an invaluable source for locating genuine Propecia at prices outside of the standard retail sales scheme. All Propecia is manufactured at Merck & Co.'s plant in the UK. It is sent to various locals around the globe packaged in local languages and meeting local compliance laws in packaging. Of course, like most major drugs, the wholesale and retail prices for Propecia vary greatly from country to country. This is because many countries control the prices of medications to protect consumers. This phenomenon has given rise to many companies who source Propecia in countries where prices are more controlled and re sell it in other countries where prices are higher. Canada is the largest of these countries. Interestingly, Canada does not necessarily have the lowest price for Propecia and many other medications. However, due to sharing its border with the US and sharing the English language with the US, Canada has become the largest source for medication exports by mail in the world. Many people assume that the best prices for Propecia will always be found among Canadian pharmacies, but this isn't necessarily true. While prices for Propecia in Canada may at times be quite low, a necessary prerequisite for buying Propecia from Canada is that the buyer must present their own prescription that they have previously seen a doctor and paid for, before they can purchase Propecia online. So, of course, this presents an added expense and hassle for buying Propecia online from Canada. If the buyer is willing to do a little more searching on the Internet, they will find that many reputable pharmacies also exist with low, wholesale or discount Propecia prices, but without the requirement of a prior prescription. Of course as always, let the buyer beware, as some crafty sites advertise name brand Propecia at impossibly low prices and then switch the order and ship an unknown generic or even fake medicine. Be sure when ordering Propecia online to verify that the Propecia is the name brand, genuine product manufactured by Merck & Co. Save Money on Propecia Prescription Services. As mentioned earlier, many men look to Canadian or US Pharmacies to order Propecia (finasteride) at wholesale prices. This can be a viable option if the buyer already has obtained a prescription from their personal physician. However, if the buyer does not have a valid or current prescription, they can save money by searching for an online Propecia pharmacy that offers free prescription consultation services. We highly recommend for sourcing wholesale genuine Propecia with free prescription services. Free Propecia Offer As mentioned earlier, in these tough economic times, finding discount Propecia online or even free Propecia offers can save Propecia users significant money over the course of a year. While there is no place we know of where you can get absolutely free Propecia with no cost whatsoever. There is an excellent online Propecia pharmacy that offers a free month supply of Propecia when you pay for 5 months. In other words, every six month of Propecia is free and the prices are at the wholesale level. is a reputable company offering name brand Propecia made by Merck. They offer every sixth pack of Propecia for free and offer free prescription consultations. |