Can You Get Rid of a Blind Pimple?

What the heck is a blind pimple and how do you get rid of them when they show up? A blind pimple is really a pimple that forms like any other but it does not come up through the skins surface. It sits just under the surface of the skin and never forms a head like a normal pimple would.

The cause of the blind pimple is not completely understood but may have to do with the oil from the sebaceous glands accumulating in the pore and never having a chance to reach the surface. Being stuck below the surface creates a painful bump. So you now have a blind pimple, what can you do to get rid of it.

Whatever you do, do not try to squeeze the blind pimple; this will only make it worse. Also do not try to prick it with a needle or some other sharp object to help drain it. This may lead to infection or increase the chance of creating a scar after it heals. The best thing to try is just to hold a hot compress against it to possibly open up a pore. This may allow the blind pimple to finally develop a head and drain naturally. If you were to leave it alone it may eventually form its own outlet so it can drain and heal.

Think prevention and take care of your skin so you can reduce the likelihood of any pimples forming. Wash your face at least two times a day, keep your dirty hands off your face, drink plenty of water and eat your fruits and veggies.