Regardless of how vain a person is, losing your hair is never a good feeling. It's overwhelming to brush your hair in the morning and see strand after strand falling out. It's just as difficult when you wake up to see lots of hair left on your pillow after you've slept. It doesn't matter how old a person is. Losing your hair makes you look and feel differently. There are lots of medical avenues you can pursue if you're hoping to stop your hair loss, but they can be really expensive and aren't always effective. There are also some home remedies for hair loss prevention that can help you keep the hair you have, while encouraging new hair to grow in.

Here's a quick list of some home remedies for hair loss prevention you can try now:

  • Increase the calcium in your diet. Most people just don't get enough calcium and we all already know that it's important for keeping our bones strong and healthy. It's good for your hair too. Calcium is essential for keeping the hair follicles strong and resilient. You can either start eating more dairy products or start taking a calcium supplement every day. If you're already on medications, it's a good idea to ask your doctor before starting anything new, even supplements or vitamins.
  • Wash your hair less. Most people grow up in a household where they're told to wash their hair everyday. You don't really need to. Unless you have a profession that makes you sweat all day, everyday, you really only need to wash your hair once or twice a week. This can go a long way towards keeping the hair you have strong. When hair becomes dried out it gets brittle and can break easily.
  • Massage your scalp. Keeping the blood flowing to your scalp can help to keep your hair healthier and stronger. You can always do this yourself, but it's also nice to trade the favor of a massage with your partner. Be careful when you're massaging around the temple area as you don't want to apply too much pressure there.
  • Relax more. Did you know that many people lose their hair because they're so stressed? Hair can become brittle and dry because of stress so if you're under a lot, change something. Sometimes it's just important to simplify your life. Stress is really damaging to a person's body in many ways so it's always good to find an outlet that will help you reduce it. Some suggestions are to meditate, exercise more or journal your thoughts. These can all be really helpful.

A big part of keeping your hair is taking better care of it. By doing these few, simple things, you can help your hair stay healthier and encourage the growth of new hair too. Before you know it, you won't feel nearly as self conscious about your hair loss.