Simple Tips to Restore your Confidence in your Hair

If you are looking for treatment for your damaged hair that has been troubling you, all you may need is a return to the basics. A few minutes spent every day in caring for your hair, a slightly different lifestyle and using natural products may make more of a difference in returning your hair to its healthy best than you thought possible. Whatever you may have thought of her as a teenager, the tips your mother gave you are still as valid today as they were then. Read on to learn simple things to improve your damaged hair.

Keep those Chemicals away: Reduce the use of chemicals as far as you can. Artificial colors, synthetic shampoos, imitation dyes are all very harmful for your hair and may lead you to premature grey hair . Use the correct shampoo for your type of hair, and try to use nature based products for the best results. Alternatively, pull out that recipe book from the attic and use some of the home-products for hair care, for a cheap and efficient cure for your damaged hair.

Keep them Nourished: In their eagerness to have flowing locks, most girls forget to give the hair their due nourishment. Hair is like other parts of your body, it also needs nutrition. The best nutrition possible is a healthy and balanced diet, and avoidance of fast foods like French fries. For local nourishment, use a good massage of hot oil at least once a week to keep your hair in shape. The oil gets absorbed in the scalp and passes on the hair through the roots. Olive oil is considered to be the best, followed closely by almond oil and coconut oil.

Drink Plenty of Water: You may have been sick of your grandmother telling you to drink more water all the time, but the fact of the matter is that her advice still holds true. The human body is composed mostly of water, and so are the cells of your hair. Like your skin, your hair also needs lots of water to remain supple and pliant.

Wash it down: Had a typical bad hair day? Never mind. Massage you hair with good hair oil and leave it on for at least an hour to let the roots soak it in. Follow it up with a warm water shower with a mild shampoo to get your hair back in shape. Use a good conditioner to reduce the harsh impact of the cleansing, and let the hair dry naturally (driers are bad for your hair). Avoid using any chemicals or hair styling gels for a couple of days to let your hair regain its strength. Voila! Your hair is back to normal!

Choose good Hair Accessories: Quality always counts. You may have saved a few pennies by buying a cheap brush, but the damage it will cause to your hair is likely to cost you a packet at the hair restoration clinic. Go for quality hair accessories like shampoos, conditioners, colors, brushes, oils and the like. Natural products are always better for your hair, and their use will avoid your being troubled by such minor irritants as dandruff and hair loss .

It wasn’t that difficult after all, was it? Some changes in the products you use, and the way you use them, could make the difference between your having a mop of the best hair anyone could dream of, and continuing those never-ending visits to the hair restoration clinic .

Best of luck with your new-found confidence!