Hair Regrowth Q&a

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Friends, could you anybody suggest a virtuous drug or Oil to stop Hair leak and regrowth of fleece?
Good u asked this ask before spending money on trying to grow hair. Honestly near is no good oil available surrounded by the world market to stop this hereditory defect. If it is not...

Good tips for hiding muddy regrowth surrounded by blonde fuzz?
wear a hat/cap or a hairband Put lemon juice on your roots and go out within the sun with it, it will lighten the overcast growth. Try changing your part. A slanting side section works well as does a zigzag (remember that...

Hair colouring root regrowth - what's my best alternative?
I have naturally extraordinarily dark brown, almost black, hair which I usually colour adjectives over and highlight at home so that it's redder - the last time I did this be about 6months ago so I have nearly six inches of regrowth. I recoloured last week...

Hair dying...first time or root regrowth application?
I'm sort of new to this and unsure what to do. Here's what my instructions say: FIRST TIME APPLICATION This method is recommended if - you are colouring your pelt permanently for the first time or - your previous hair colour have totally grown out or has...

Hair Loss - What Works For Hair Regrowth?
I am a 37 year old male and hold a very bad receding spine line. It runs in the line. My father who is now 60 is totally bald on top. I own finally decided to take some bustle. I have been doing some...

Hair loss after toddler...and regrowth?
Ok, so I like a lot of you enjoy been losing my hair since my son be born. He is 6 months, and it has tapered rotten slightly. I noticed this morning that I have this little tuft of 'new' fleece growing right in the front at my...

Hair regrowth after an consumption disorder?
I struggled with an eating disorder for just about year, and lost a fair amount of weight and it took a core toll on my body. Anyway, at my lowest point, I started losing large amounts of hair (I used to enjoy very thick, nice hair). Since...

Hair regrowth after chemo?
just wandering abut peoples' experience with the regrowth of their tresses after chemo. how fast did it grow? what was the texture close to? did it start off like a child fuzz/perm? colour change? how long til you had a total head of hair? how long formerly it returned to normal...

Hair regrowth after chemo?
my hair is growing back after chemo any planning wat to use to increase the growth rosemary shampoo may not increase growth time, but it will help bring it surrounded by healthy and full. Also taking vitamin E will help stimulate coat growth, if its allowed by your onc....

Hair Regrowth after chemo?
Well i'm 17 years old and wanted to know how long it take hair to grow back from chemo. that have been the hardest thing for me to operation with during this time. maybe it's a short time ago me but i feel like anyone blad is just screaming "i have...

Hair regrowth after colouring?!?
I have natural menacing blond hair but i decided to colour it to shift lighter. I really regret it now though. My hair go up lots of shades and went to an A1 shade blonde. But it looks OK. The reason i regret it is that it is growing subsidise and...

Hair regrowth after pregnancy?
hello! the other day i was showering and my hackle fell out in clumps around my temple area! very soon it's seriously a huge patch of missing hair!.. how can i help regrow it here fast?? i dont expect it to be my normal pelt length over night but just procure...

Hair regrowth after pulling out?
If you pull out the hair from some chunk of your body (arm, leg, head, ear, etc), will a new hackle grow eventually in the same location? Is at hand something like a seed from wear curls grows? I know that hair is mostly keratin (a protein) and skin also...

Hair regrowth after scarring?
I recently suffered a gash to the head, as expected they had to shave a little of my curls to insert the stiches, but my question is: will my hair grow surrounded by normally there if defect tissue forms? your hair will grow back, where on earth it was shaved but...

Hair regrowth after shaving - what irritates me is ...?
Not a question really - but I get really annoyed when those say hair grows fund thicker when shaved. IT DOESN'T !! What happens is it grows back next to a blunt end rather than a pointed natural end. If it grew...

Hair regrowth after wax - pelt grows at different rates?
I like the results of waxing when it's just now done, especially in areas like my underarms where on earth the skin is thin and a stubble always shows through even when freshly shaven; but I find the spike grows back at different rates --...

Hair Regrowth and Chemotherapy.?
I'm 19 years old and it has be a year since I had my last chemotherapy treatment. My coat is still much thinner on the top of my head than it was since my treatment. Does anybody know how long it takes for someone to be sure that they...

Hair regrowth back relief facilitate lend a hand assistance?
i only dyed my hair once 7 months ago and it be a 27 wash out one but i got this really bleak hair regrowth and the hair dye is not coming out of my fuzz so how can i get this hair dye out of...

Hair Regrowth Cream?
I want to know the best hair regrowth cream with: -Effectiveness -Cheap price (under 50 dollars) -Quick Results (As Quick as possible!!) It is for my father. He is 50 years old-fashioned. Please give good answers i appreciate adjectives help. Thanks! It's probably for you, but that's okay. YOURE OLD....

Hair regrowth for a young guy?
hi there a 16 year old dude and nearly a year ago,i started losing quite a lot of fleece,all over my head but mostly on the front and crown portions..could anyone please suggest any technique for regrowing all the lost hair? i parsimonious, does anyone know of any...

Hair Regrowth for women - Rogaine - Minoxidil?
My mom, 50 years old, is experiencing some serious head down loss. It began about 12 years ago and have progressed to leave her with a outstandingly patchy head -- im talking some serious shaved spots all over the head. I be wondering if Minoxidil...

Hair Regrowth Help??
I need some help...the eyebrow woman did my eyebrows too thin...are there any home remedies that I can do to cause my eyebrows grow back faster? ***** yu need to achieve over it :)))))))))))) You will have to wait until they grow spinal column, wait about a week or 2...

Hair regrowth on a puncture wound.?
I recently had a puncture wound on the put a bet on of my head. I looked at the mirror and saw half an inch deformity with hair loss. I touched the deformity, and it feels hard and swollen. I am wondering if at hand is possible hair re-growth...

ok i am a 14 year old girl and my hair on the top of my commander got pulled out a few months back while playing football. I enjoy been told One Source Complete Prenatal vitamins work, is tha true? what else can i take or do? Yes, prenatals work....

Hair regrowth on relaxed spike?
For those that have had their pelt chemically straightened/relaxed has your re-growth grown any straighter than it did before get your hair straight. By this i mean as the pelt re-growth (untreated) will not be straight compared to the rest of the (treated) hair does it grow a bit more...

Hair Regrowth On Scar?
Hey Guys I have a scar thats the size of a quarter contained by the back of my head i busted it previously. Is there anyway that i can get hackle to regrow there any kind of gel of somesort to grasp the follicles restarted? Or Surgery or something. Please...