Hair Loss Caused By Stress

We know our lifestyle can be responsible for many different conditions.

You probably did not think that high stress levels can contribute to hair loss.

The popular explanation for male baldness has always been it is in your genes. That it is usually only caused by hereditary factors.

However, we have all seen in the same family one person will have thinning hair while another will keep a full head of hair. When that occurs you, have to wonder why does it not affect everyone the same way.

There are studies now out that show stress in your daily life can contribute to your hairs condition. Everyone has stress coming from many places in their day-to-day life.

There is always the pressure you are under at your job. Then many people have a very stressful home life, for different reasons.

How you react to the daily grind of life and the world around you, can and do cause many changes in the body.

Stress is a very powerful condition that is the cause to many of todays diseases, such as heart problems, stomach ailments and of course mental health. What amount of stress that you have does have an affect on your hair.

The studies show that you have certain chemicals in your body and when you are under a great deal of stress one of these chemicals is called telogen effluvium. This chemical can cause the hair to shut down and stop re-growing.

When the body suffers from stress, many poisons are released into the blood stream. When that happens it, can cause damage to the hair follicles and bring on premature baldness.

We have all heard of people who go prematurely grey, well that is the same problem that causes many people to also suffer from thinning hair and a receding hairline.

Changing your lifestyle when it starts affecting your health is always a smart move to take. However, when you can also reduce the stress in your life and prevent any more hair from falling out is just an added bonus.

Years ago, people would say the hair is your crowning glory. Meaning it represents good health.

Look at people you know who are not healthy, and then look at the texture of their hair. Your hair can tell you before anything else that you are not feeling well. Even when you have a cold or the flu, your hair always will look very dull and unhealthy.

Your hair like your skin needs to be nourished and taken care of. Even the sun can damage your hair. Using the correct hair products and taking vitamins will also have a positive affect on your hair.

As you age, you have to take the proper care of your hair as well as the rest of your body. Because your hair will start showing a bad lifestyle quicker then other body parts.

That is why taking care of your over all health, and trying to reduce the stress levels in your life, can also help you with your hair loss.

Always try to treat any of these problems with a natural remedy when possible. They are much better for your body and they rarely have bad side effects.

Therefore, hair loss is not only a hereditary condition. You do have control over this condition and there are ways to stop your hair loss and begin to re-grow the hair.