Natural Hair Loss Solutions vs. Laser Treatments

Laser treatments to promote hair growth and stop hair loss have become popular.  It is a long process and very expensive.

Natural hair loss solutions come with a proven success record and very little expense.

Do laser treatments have any benefit to people who are experiencing hair loss and thinning hair problems.

Laser treatments what kind are there:

First there is the Home Hand Held Laser

Already you have to assume it cannot be a real laser because by law you are not allowed to own powerful laser. They also sell home lasers to remove hair. These kind of products are usually nothing more then a LED which has very little power at all.

The plan is to hold the laser to your head to attempt to stimulate blood flow. The idea is correct, because improving circulation to your scalp will greatly improve your hair and its chances of growing.

I would not suggest you investing in these kinds of products for the simple reason they really are not going to work.

Second are the Laser Hair Clinics.

I am sure you have seen many adds for these type of clinics on Television. Usually at these clinics you are required to get weekly treatments. The lasers used at these clinics are real and have the power to stimulate your scalp and promote hair growth.

Two very important facts to keep in mind when you look into one of the clinics is the people who work at these clinics do not have any sort of medical degrees. They are not Doctors.

The other fact is the expense. You have to at least go weekly, and get your scalp stimulated by the laser. These treatments can and will improve your hair and get it to start growing again. But be prepared to pay thousands of dollar over the course of a year.

Natural Hair Loss Solutions

There are any number of natural supplements and vitamins that are proven to improve the texture and health of your hair as well as promote new hair growth.

Natural supplements like flaxseed oil and primrose oil and well as fish oil can greatly improve your hair. As well as vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin E which increase blood circulation.

There has even been success with natural supplements in promoting hair growth on bald patches, providing they are not older then 4 years.

Prevent any more of your hair falling out. Find out all the natural supplements and vitamins that will give you healthy, thicker hair and learn how you can start growing your hair back . Stop spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on all those commercial hair loss treatments.